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  • Plan Member Match mixer 1 & promotional email

  • Discuss Code of Conduct review

  • ID informal outreach



  •  Welcome and icebreaker
  • What is your favorite thing about fall?

  • Future icebreaker: pie vs. cake?

  •  Plan Member Match mixer 1 & promotional email
  • Topic: Tips and tricks

    • This format can be an evergreen/annual first meeting

    • Last time started with team saying their tips and tricks, hold our tips back if we need them, allow participants to go first with their tips and tricks

    • Format: participants bring their ideas first, highlight their ideas and keep ours as a just in case

  • Date and Time (October): Noon EST on Oct 25

    • Try not to schedule for Mondays or Fridays

    • Morning or afternoon

    • Noon or 1pm EST = 5-6pm in UK

  • Email:

    • Monday at the earliest to set up Zoom (Jessica)

    • Push it to member match listserv only, missed the monthly update

    • Send out announcement by 10/6, send reminder 10/18

  •  Code of Conduct review
  • From Christine: The ArchivesSpace Governance Board approved the creation of a task force to review the ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct, in part to address some gaps that were identified in connection with the Virtual Member Forum incident earlier this year.

  • The task force will be composed of the following:

    • Board member

    • 2-3 Member Engagement Sub-team members

    • 1-3 Community volunteers

    • Optional: DEI Facilitator Consultant

  • The review will consist of the following: 

    • Clarify the distinction, if necessary, between responses to intentional harassment vs. unintentional or accidental harm.

    • Review the response procedures and timeline to ensure opportunities for dialogue, understanding, and correction of offending behaviors.

    • Review the possible need for, and impact of, complainant anonymity.

  • → Reach out to ASpace to get more information on how much work will it to be to join the taskforce, we do have interest

  • Process now:

    • Survey responses came to program team, not the board

    • Suggestions for actionable items came from Christina and Jessica

    • Board was not involved until the board had to become involved

    • Code is for the community to enforce the code itself, not a top-down process

  •  Informal engagement opportunities
  • unstructured Zoom coffee/happy/office hour events

  • Another platform for message board discussions? Jamboards?

  • Participant reached out about the monthly discussion posts on the listserv

    • “Historically not gotten responses so we are looking at other options, but would like engagement”

    • Ask the participants what they think they would engage with

  • Jaime took informal survey: pervasive idea that Member Match works between institutions and not people → focus on re-branding the program

  • Review member match pages to see if text needs to be changed → moving forward reviewing the pages for updates

  • → Pause coming up with new idea until after we gauge interest in listserv discussions


To-Do List

  •  Mary: Send out an email to listserv to gauge interest/ideas with listserv discussions
  •  Jessica: Make zoom info for tips and tricks by Monday 10/2
  •  Mary: Once zoom info is created, create draft announcement email for event
  •  Mary: Email ASpace re: Code of Conduct review to gauge how much work it will be, sub-team members unsure if they could donate their time
  •  Everyone: explore the documentation/wording on public member match pages, look for revisions