Versions Compared


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Discussion of issues
  • Visual Layout:
    • should there be a forgot password function as mocked up?
    • Is there a way to navigate in and out of the resource tree via keyboard shortcut for screen readers?
    • One or two publish notes for multi-part notes?
  • Data Entry
    • Should there be a more promiment alert when two or more users are editing the same thing? (from Brainstorming doc)
    • Lump in Bulk delete/edit and keep Reorder Mode separate as a button (even if it is integrated also into REM)?
    • Location in Hierarchy bulk move clarification?
    • Autosave function - do we always want it?
    • Clone/copy elements vs data inheritance via linking Agent records?
  • Customization
    • Version control - who last edited, currently it's on who has edited the top-level info, NOT anywhere within the record.  Background Jobs currently "saves" the PDF of the job, could this be integrated with Version Control to save a record at certain points?
  • Organization of Menus
    • Cog and and Systems Settings combined or not?
  • Access points spec: Nix the term "Access Points"?  Discuss PUI-adapted terms for general understanding vs terminology in staff interface

   Summaries of Specs  
  • Access Points: Agents and Subjects Spec

    • The spec defers to the Agent Team’s future recommendations.
    • Recommend a dedicated ad-hoc group to review Subjects module, similarly to the group that is reviewing the Agents module.
    • Agent records should show all earlier and later forms of itself within the record, following the cataloging source.
    • Adding functionality to bulk merge and/or edit agents and subjects.

     Navigation Spec

    • List navigation should be treated the same regardless of type of list to provide a consistent user experience
    • All linked records should link to one another.
    • Moved the Manage Users and Manage User Preferences into the same page.

     Organization of Menus Spec

    • Refactor the System and Cogwheel menus into a single menu (“System Administration” or “System Settings”)
    • Update Browse and Create buttons to be more inclusive of ASpace functionality (e.g., should be able to browse and create all high level records, including Container Profiles)
    Update Create button to elevate functionality lived deeper in submenu (e.g., Background job functions: Reports, Imports, Exports), and move Default Values (Accession, Resource /Component, and Digital Object / Component) to top level.

Thank yous and good byes!

Appologies in advance for a final spamming of your inbox with Outlook cancelations!

SIEWG opt-in survey for 2018:

Action items
