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  • Review sub-team work plans

Discussion topics

  • Next time:

  • 5





    10 min

    Roll call

    Maggie Hughes

    • Roll call question: What is your Halloween costume OR what is your favorite Halloween candy?

    • Notetaker:

    2 min

    TAC membership changes

    Maggie Hughes

    Julia McGuiness stepped down and Megan Firestone taking a break this fall.

    Julia is from a medium-sized institution, Megan from a small one. We want more representation from those so hopefully it works out.

    2 min

    Recent contributions

    Maggie Hughes

    Shoutouts for contributions since Sept!


    • Alicia Detelich

    • Dave Mayo

    • Trevor Thornton

    Code: n/a

    Bugs/new issues:

    • Maggie Hughes

    • Kevin Schlottmann

    5 min

    Program update

    Christine Di Bella

    2.7.0 released last week!

    • gem updates

    • language updates (kudos from Kevin!, Lora did the work - thanks!)

    • ARK support

    Webinars! They’re happening.

    Southeast regional forum in Columbia SC next month

    Trying to get regional forum together in conjunction with Western Archivists Conference in SF

    2 min

    TAC Vice Chair

    Maggie Hughes , Trevor Thornton

    Trevor Thornton! He has nothing to say but is ready to get to work!

    Will be soliciting volunteers for 2020-2021 Vice Chair in the spring.

    20 min

    Sub-team updates on planning for the year

    Integrations: Dallas Pillen

    Metadata Standards: James Griffin (Unlicensed) and

    work plans

    Discussion topic: Integrations sub-team

    Open mic


    Kevin Schlottmann

    Tec Docs: Alicia Detelich

    Dev Pri representative: Maggie Hughes

    Testing representative: Wiedeman, Gregory

    Subteam leaders share out action plans.

    Integrations (Dallas):

    • work plan: 2019-2020 Integrations sub-team Work Plan

    • continuing to improve external-facing documentation (esp. updating known integrations)

    • improving internal documentation and project management

    • reviewing integrations survey results and determining next steps

    Maggie: internal documentation is a focus for TAC generally and other councils too

    Metadata Standards (Kevin):

    Technical Documentation:

    • Work plan: Technical Documentation 2019-2020 Work Plan

    • How to solicit input from users/assess needs?

    • Fill in documentation gaps in key areas

    • Document info covered in old developers screencasts

    • Coordinating work with API docs working group

    • Thinking about linking tech docs to user docs where appropriate

    Valerie: Have we ever evaluated listserv questions to assess needs for better tech docs?

    Christine: We tried but it didn’t get too far

    Maggie: We should

    Kevin: Can we spin-out tickets based on listserv questions?

    Sarit: Can listserv posts be integrated into Confluence to make them easier to review?

    Christine: listserv platform is not ideal. Increased interest in moving to something else.

    Development Prioritization (cross-council) (Maggie)

    • Work plan: 2019-2020 Work Plan

    • Continue to use "Ready for Community Developer" queue

    • Evaluating survey results

    • Establishing themes/goals for selecting tickets

    Testing (cross-council) (Greg)

    • tested 2.7.0

    • No work plan, but ready to test stuff!

    5 min

    Ad hoc working group updates

    API: Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

    API Documentation (Dave):

    • had 1st meeting

    • internal training on how to update API docs coming soon

    • figuring out how to delegate work

    Maggie: how long will it take?

    Dave: don’t know yet - depends on who’s doing the work and how much time they have to do it

    15 min

    Discussion topic: Integrations sub-team

    Integrations sub-team

    (Dallas leads it)

    • Need input RE: internal documentation - any ideas from other sub-teams?

    • Maggie: talked with Max about this kind of thing w/r/t TAC generally. She keeps a Google doc with milestones for the term year, responsibilities of chair/vice chair, etc. Something like that could be generally useful

      • Might make sense to move that (and other Google docs) to TAC wiki in Confluence

      • Sub-teams could do something similar

      • Dallas thinks that’s a good idea for Integrations

    • General need to persist this kind of documentation from term-to-term, good case for using Confluence

    • Valerie: Yes!

    • Kevin: it was useful to have some documentation about what Metadata Standards is supposed to do. Some lightweight project management framework for sub-groups would be useful

    5 min

    Open mic


    Running out of time!

    Kevin: How does it work when/if widely-used external plugins are integrated into core code?

    Christine: 2-3 years ago there was documentation for interested contributors. She will send links to those out to TAC listserv.

    1 min

    Next time

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 12pm PT/3pm ET

    Notetaker: Dallas Pillen

    Action items

