Technical Documentation 2019-2020 Work Plan
Technical Documentation 2019-2020 Work Plan
1. Communicate with ArchivesSpace constituencies to solicit input and share sub-team work
- Encourage ArchivesSpace community to submit issues regarding documentation directly to the tech-docs repository or contact sub-team members via email to suggest improvements.
- Coordinate sub-team work with Technical Advisory Council; seek input on documentation from TAC.
- Seek additional input from developer constituency regarding documentation needs.
- Identify more effective ways of soliciting feedback from users
- Promote Tech Docs work and facilitate broad community knowledge by linking to relevant portions of documentation in listserv responses and other communications.
2. Prioritize documentation changes based on community feedback
- Monitor listserv for issues for which further documentation would be helpful, and create the appropriate documentation, or at least a stub for future documentation, in a timely fashion.
- Review issues in tech-docs repository and address as required.
3. Fill in documentation gaps in key areas
- Developer onboarding resources: a more comprehensive guide to getting started on contributing to core code or plugin development
- Conversion of developer screencasts into written documentation; further information about application architecture, data model, etc.
- Generalized API documentation (coordinate work with API ad-hoc working group): How to use the API, common patterns used across endpoints, pagination, etc.
4. Explore ways to integrate/link technical documentation to user documentation
- Take advantage of improved documentation platform of User Docs to find points of integration between two sets of documentation.
- Communicate with members of User Docs team to identify points of similarity across documentation.