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Check-in: How is everyone?

“Making the Case for ArchivesSpace”

Any last minute additions? - nope

Regina shared the draft infographic language with the UAC listserv for any comments

Presentation for Council --April 26, 2022

What do we need our Council-mates to know about Member Engagement?

Brainstorm prompts for discussion about infographic…

Proposed general format:

  • Discuss the role of Member Engagement Subteam

    • Regina & Bailey will lead this

  • Present “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” for discussion

  • Regina will present the project

  • Bailey will read each section of the doc out loud

  • Patrick will help keep conversation going

    • Not trying to grow the document - needs to be clear & concise

    • Is this effective? Put yourself in a non-member’s shoes – could you present this at your organization

    • Consider going stakeholder by stakeholder

    • If you had to make this argument, what did you find helped you be successful with various stakeholders?

    • What are your winning arguments?

    • Anything we are missing?

    • Format and/or distribution?

      • currently imagining as a webpage and file that could be downloaded from the site

Member Match coffee chat

Last of the year

Schedule for May/June1:00 Thursday, June 2nd

Coffee Chat announcement will go in Member Match listserv ONLY

Jessica needs copy for final coffee chat “This is the conclusion of our first cohort . . .”

Bailey will draft language to share with Member Match listserv (will share with group for quick review) then share with Jessica

Then Jessica will create zoom registration and Bailey will share out Monday May 2

Next meeting: May 27, 2022

Anything else?

We will do an extension for Member Match applications - new deadline May 20th

Jessica will share this notification next Wednesday & in the Monthly Update

Share final Survey June 30th with Thank You to original cohort participants

Patrick & Regina will work on reviewing the Final Survey during May (likely over email) - confirm survey at June 24th meeting

July 1 Jessica will mass remove first cohort from listserv, and mass add all the new