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Last Year’s Work Plan

2021-2022 Metadata Sub-team Work Plan

Current Work Plan

2022-2023 Metadata Sub-team Work Plan

Previous Agendas

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page2021-2022 Metadata Meeting Agendas and Notes





5 mins

Hello everybody

  • Did anyone have a chance to attend DevPri?

10 mins

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

  • “Dev Pri discussed this ticket at the 4 October 2022 meeting and felt that asking for the importers to report all fields that weren't handled seemed like a good option. Could Metadata Standards provide a specification for the changes they would like to see?”

10 mins

Don’t include $0 in export if there is a $v, $x, $y or $z subdivision (this is from last term’s “not this term” list)

  • This is from last year’s “not this term” list, but I don’t see a ticket for it--is there one that I’m missing?

  • This makes sense to me logically--the Not ticketed

  • $0 would apply to the main term and be way too broad

  • We are tabling other MARC exporter issues; shall we table this one also?

10 mins

EAD importer

  • Review work done since last meeting

  • Decide on priorities / assignments for next meeting

8 mins

Data modeling taks force

  • The ball is in our court. Who wants to be involved?Asked TAC to convene TF

5 mins


  • Next No meeting : scheduled for January 3, are folks around?in January

2 mins

Next steps/homework

see action items

Action Items

Long term Action Items (by or at end of term)

  •  Map EAD importer behavior to DACS
  •  Formulate next steps for EAC-CPF
  •  Create DM task force (impetus will come from TAC; lead will come from Metadata)
  •  Create Dev-Pri exchange
