2022-2023 Metadata Sub-team Work Plan
Main Goals
support user communities, especially those without back end access or deep technical expertise
track changes in related standards and ensure those changes are reflected in ArchivesSpace mappings
support developers of ArchivesSpace on metadata issues, particularly through Jira ticket review
continue to develop pro-active processes to track code changes that affect metadata mappings
Specific Tasks
1. Ongoing Tasks
2. In-Progress Tasks from Last Term
Pull all the non-core fields (2xx, 3xx, 754, 856) except the 5xx’s; for the 5xx’s, everything that is a core field gets mapped, but everything that is a 5xx just gets a mapping to a local note, like a 590. We know this a relatively big change, maybe put this in the roadmap, so that it doesn’t happen quietly. Elizabeth volunteers to write that spec, including the justification. You’ll get a list of what was imported.
Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4E1BYAGT-GCAWLZaWwtsPgeGJqnt6y04e6r82EYxCY/edit?usp=sharing
Old (pre-container and location modeling) entity relationship model archived in the Wayback Machine: Gliffy Public Diagram - ASpace ERD
Suggestion: use Mermaid for creating the model
3. New This Term
Test current import behavior node by node, starting with DACS elements. Map to related standards. This will be the main focus of this term and is expected to extend well beyond this term.