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Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

kate (Unlicensed)

Regina Carra

Jessica Crouch

Bailey Hoffner

Ashley Knox


  • Code of Conduct

  • Discuss Members Match program

  • Discuss ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership program



Code of Conduct

  • Shared with the ArchivesSpace community last week. Have received a few responses. Reminder will be sent out with ArchivesSpace monthly update email and we are accepting responses until noon ET on December 11

  • After feedback is completed, move to implement in January 2021

  • Will live on the ArchivesSpace website under the community drop down menu - add it to the wiki and link to it on the website

Member Match program

  • thoughts on implementation buddies documents that were shared with us last meeting?

    • send email with call for applicants to those who signed up previously

  • Google docs:

  • need to develop policies and procedures

    • what are the expectations for those participating?

    • should we set up different matches?

      • mentors and mentee

      • partnership [collaborative]

      • add a question to the application

      • maybe have a question for general archival skill areas

    • have people rank their level of expertise with ArchivesSpace areas

    • questions on what you expect to get out of this relationship/program

    • considered a layered survey that has categories for type of users - skip to different portions of the survey based on type of user [can be set up that way]

      • ask everyone about archival skills, needs for ArchivesSpace/what they are working on and what they expect out of the program and checkbox for agreeing to ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct [last page of survey]

        • also free text fields to learn more

    • Specific Questions about the institutions, people they serve, collecting areas [demographics of the institution]

    • add identity questions at the end of application similar to SAA Mentoring Program questions [add additional question about doing our best to match based on this criteria but you can opt out if you would like]

    • add question on level in their career and what level they would like to match with

    • how often will we review applications

      • annual push for applications

    • how long is the program

      potentially a year

      • for this first group 9 months; 3 months of review and evaluation - setting up matches

      • send out call for application in the beginning of March; make matches by end of June; have first meet up in August for annual forum; open call with sub-team to meet up with matches to talk about expectations and answer questions

      • have a survey for feedback the Feb/March before the next call for applications

    • can people sign up for another match after the term has ended

  • Working with ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership program

    • part of member match; and their match will be a mentor and guide them

    • need to prioritize them for matches

    • and need to find the right three matches for these institutions

    • the program is for three years; those matches are expected to have a longer term relationship

TAC Collaboration?

Other business?

Next meeting

December 18 at 1 PM ET

Action Items:

  •  add notes to Google docs for the Members Match program
  •  start drafting Member Match application
  •  create draft of expectations for Member Match program

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