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  • Use this wiki page to create user personas.

Key elements that should be included in the final personas: 


  • Chris, age 70
    • Drives 45 minutes to visit library, and wants to maximize time on campus
    • Unaffiliated with institution, so access is limited to some collections, databases, and holdings
    • Does not like using computers and does not use e-mail.
    • Primarily communicates with library staff in person or via telephone
    • Would like to do genealogical research on several different ancestors, but does not have any idea where to start.
    • Prefers using physical, original materials over digital objects and microfilm. Chris will be frustrated to learn upon arrival at the repository that the originals cannot be accessed (due to their having been digitized or microfilmed).
    • Is not cognizant of restrictions surrounding the institution's student records and alumni files, and needs to be clearly informed of any such restrictions up-front.
    • Will be confused if opening several different tabs and/or windows is necessary to request one item. Would have an easier time with a simple, fluid experience that encompasses searching for collections, identifying specific folders of interest, and requesting materials.


  • Morgan, age 35, photo editor for an academic publisher
    • On a tight deadline
    • Looking for appropriate photographs to publish in a professor's latest book, including a portrait of the subject and schemata or drawing of one of the subject's creations
    • Has no familiarity with ArchivesSpace and expects that searching will be confined to photographic materials only, and wants to be able to instantly peruse any digitized images and their relevant metadata (including citation line)
    • Needs to know any relevant information about copyright upfront in order to know what images to pursue, and how to go about obtaining the necessary permissions.
    • Would like to order copies of interesting images, and will be frustrated if the steps toward doing so are not immediately apparent.
    • May want to speak with staff directly, and needs to clearly understand which repository at the given institution to contact regarding any given image and how.

Remote Professor

  • Lee, a professor at Oxford
    • Found an incomplete citation for an 1845 document involving Mary and John Smith in a book published in 1968, which indicates this material is held by your institution. Does not know the precise nature of the document or which repository in your institution might hold it, and the collection name does not precisely match any of your institution's holdings.
    • Would like a copy of this specific document, as well as the current, correct citation.
    • Residing overseas, Lee cannot visit your institution, and would prefer to search for and access this material online if possible.


Academic Library/Special Collections Personas (added by Matt).
