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Check-in: How is everyone?

“Making the Case for ArchivesSpace”

Any last minute additions? - nope

Regina shared the draft infographic language with the UAC listserv for any comments

Presentation for Council --April 26, 2022

What do we need our Council-mates to know about Member Engagement?

Brainstorm prompts for discussion about infographic…

Proposed general format:

  • Discuss the role of Member Engagement Subteam

    • Regina & Bailey will lead this

  • Present “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” for discussion

  • Regina will present the project

  • Bailey will read each section of the doc out loud

  • Patrick will help keep conversation going

    • Not trying to grow the document - needs to be clear & concise

    • Is this effective? Put yourself in a non-member’s shoes – could you present this at your organization

    • Consider going stakeholder by stakeholder

    • If you had to make this argument, what did you find helped you be successful with various stakeholders?

    • What are your winning arguments?

    • Anything we are missing?

    • Format ?

    If we have time: Solicit other project ideas from Council

    • For example: we thought about surveying the community about communication channelsand/or distribution?

      • currently imagining as a webpage and file that could be downloaded from the site

Member Match coffee chat

Last of the year

Schedule for May/June

Next meeting: May 27, 2022

Anything else?
