January 6 at 3pm est
Quick Links
Google drive space: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1RQftm8w4XkNISQHVbtjr6sNY4_iyyXMV
Test records: https://github.com/ASpace-Metadata-Standards
Published import/export AS standard: https://archivesspace.org/using-archivesspace/migration-tools-and-data-mapping
The MARC importer: Spreadsheet | Code
EAD 2002 importer: Spreadsheet | Code
Regine’s version of the EAD 2002 import mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uBWibkBRy3o39sZf8cQfNDiCZ7v36Hds/edit#gid=2022215819&fvid=202912311
ASpace test site: https://test.archivesspace.org/
5 - 10 minutes | Welcome everyone! Happy New Year! Any updates from the group ? |
30 - 40 min | Jira Tickets | Jira Tickets: Below is the list of outstanding Jira tickets. |
| Newly added ticket (Kate) | |
| PUI, EAD and MARC export (Diane) | |
| PUI, EAD and MARC export (Kevin) This appears to be resolved? Agent terms with qualifiers appear in the PUI in my test environment (v3.5.1), and the qualifiers appear in exports – as part of the <*name> EAD element, and in subfield G (miscellaneous information) in the MARC 1xx/6xx fields. They don’t appear in PDF exports but it doesn’t look like any controlaccess terms appear in PDF exports… | |
| EAD export (Jacqueline) | |
| MARC export | |
| MARC export | |
| EAD 3, 2002
| |
| Dublin core export (Frank ) | |
| MARC Import
| |
| MARC Import
| |
| LCNAF Plug-in import (Jacqueline) | |
2-3 minutes | Action Items |