2021-03-17 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting


Mar 17, 2021 7am-8am PT / 10 am-11am ET

Call info

Topic: TAC/UAC Meeting

Time: Mar 17, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 990 8208 9622

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UAC roster

  • @Joanne Archer (Unlicensed)

  • Elizabeth Beckman

  • @kate (Unlicensed)

  • @Regina Carra

  • @Johanna Carll

  • @Lori Dedeyan- regrets

  • @Bailey Hoffner - regrets

  • @Margaret Kidd

  • @Ashley Knox

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • @Cory Nimer

  • @Krista Oldham (Unlicensed)

  • @Joshua Shaw

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Angela White

TAC roster

  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Jared Campbell

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed) -absent

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)- absent

  • @Andrew Morrison (Unlicensed)

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • @Kevin Schlottmann (regrets)

  • @Rachel Searcy

  • @Trevor Thornton

  • @saron tran

ASpace program/board

  • @Jessica Crouch

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  • @Kat Stefko



  • Discuss February leadership meeting

  • Discuss Council term limits

  • Discuss Best Practices/Guidelines for Sub-teams

  • Sub-team updates

Discussion topics









5 mins

Roll Call



5 mins

TAC/UAC Updates

@Trevor Thornton @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Several sub-team will be doing discussions at the Online Forum

  • Will be collecting Council member profiles to share as blog posts on the ArchivesSpace blog

  • If interested, fill out this form: https://airtable.com/shrLkSAQosyVYmjEJ

  • Complete by Friday, March 26

UAC is going back to monthly meetings with next meeting in April

TAC is going back to

5 mins

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

next release of ArchivesSpace is in the works

Online forum is coming up at the end of this month

Workshops are full; most of the forum will be recorded

It is nominating season for new council members and governance board; encourage/nominate people



Introduction of New Tech Lead - Brian Hoffman



5 mins

TAC sub-team/working group updates

Integrations: @Dallas Pillen

  • Updated Integrations community resources page

  • Planning for Member Forum discussion session on integrations


Metadata Standards: @Elizabeth Roke

Resolved 2 tickets; hope to be done with mapping spreadsheet revisions by end of term.


Tech Docs: @Trevor Thornton

  • Going through old Github issues and users list posts to identify gaps in documentation

  • Planning for Member Forum discussion session on tech docs


API Working Group: @Trevor Thornton

  • Work is slowly progressing as people (mostly non-Council volunteers) have time for it - ongoing, slow-going

5 mins

UAC sub-team updates

Usability: @Lori Dedeyan @Althea Topek

  • Solicited community feedback on 3 usability tickets (via January AS update)

  • Reviewed 8 tickets and developed recommendations/resolutions 

  • Prepared for the Usability AS Forum discussion

  • Reviewed feedback from the January UAC discussion on soliciting community feedback


User Docs: @Krista Oldham (Unlicensed) @Johanna Carll

Reviewed and updated the Accessioning section of the User Manual, finalized page editing review process. Started planning for monthly group editing of sections of the manual.


Member Engagement: @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed) @Regina Carra

In January, approved and launched new ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct.

We have launched the Member Match Program (formerly known as Implementation Buddies). The application is live and we are actively promoting with emails and webinars. Deadline April 30.

5 mins

Cross Council sub-team updates

Dev Pri: @Daniel Michelson @Randy Kuehn

Reviewed 23 tickets (9 passed, 1 passed to community developer, 2 awaiting more information, 11 closed)

Issue Report Over Past 30 Days
Tickets Created: 30
Tickets Resolved: 10

Bug Reports:
Awaiting prioritization: 2
Awaiting More info: 10
Ready for Implementation: 55
Ready for Community Developer: 21
In Progress: 12

Feature Requests:
Awaiting prioritization: 53
Awaiting More Info: 63
Ready for Implementation: 107
Ready for Community Developer: 29
In Progress: 5

ArchivesSpace Online Forum:
Dev. Pri. discussion from 12pmET-1pm ET on March 30

Testing: @Joshua Shaw

Testing team performed another round of testing the new Agents module enhancements. Testing did not include import/export functionality.

20 mins

Discussion: Items from February leadership meeting


  • Council terms:

    • Like that it aligns with the Governance board terms

    • Not renew terms unless you are outgoing lead/chair

    • Suggestion: outgoing chairs and leads stay for a fourth year for continuity

    • New member match program will hopefully attract new council members

    • A lot of support for three year term

    • Could possibly go into effect for next year

    • Create a practice for handling renewals

    • To move forward: send message to governance board to act on outside of meeting schedule

    • Issue with figuring out what to do with current members: members can decide what they want to do; option of extending

  • Would like to have an orientation for just chairs at the beginning of the term; include logistics and spaces to use

  • will be creating an Orientation wiki to share with new members

  • question about being on 1-2 sub-teams and how to know which ones would like to join and lead a sub-team

  • consider creating a schedule for recruiting for vice leads/vice chairs

5 mins

Open Mic


  • Interest in the Roadmap - ends in 2019

    • program team is discussing the roadmap and plan to update it based on priorities

    • will circulate through the community for feedback

  • For next term leads, reach out to current leads and/or chairs of the councils

    • council chairs will also reach out to current leads to begin recruitment for next term leads

  • Tech Docs - would like to make a slight improvement to the page; who do you contact to make changes? Would a walk through on how to make changes and how much time would it take

    • Will create a guide on how to update Tech Docs

    • Discussion at forum will be about the guide and how to update Tech Docs


Next Time


Next TAC Meeting: April 15 to be lead by Randy

Next UAC Meeting: April 21 at 1 pm ET/ Noon CT/ 11 am MT/ 10 am PT