2020-07-07 Meeting notes


Jul 7, 2020 3pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12 PT

Topic: ArchivesSpace Usability meeting
Time: Jul 7, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 874 3319 7042
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  • @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  • @Ashley Knox

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed) - regrets

  • @Kate Blalack (Unlicensed) - absent



  • Lori needs a co-chair

  • Usability recap/ presentation at ArchivesSpace Users Forum?

  • Continuing Collection Organization view project goals

  • Recap previous work/projects and 2020 Workplan

  • Incoming tickets from Development Prioritization subteam

  • Optimize ‘swim lanes’ for Usability Team tickets

Discussion topics






  • Please let Lori know if you are willing to serve as co-chair.

Usability Team recap/ presentation at ArchivesSpace Users Forum

  • Lori will send out details in an email

Collection Organization view project

  • How can we keep momentum going on this project?

  • Number of survey respondents continues to increase

  • We will continue to monitor and record comments on report and survey responses

  • Will begin collecting candidates for plugins and customizations to incorporate into core code to facilitate report’s recommendations

Moving forward

  • Continue to work intensively on single projects or move back to taking tickets as they are routed from Dev Pri?

  • May go back to taking individual tickets and will collect similar tickets to inform any future projects.

Tickets referred by Dev Pri during last meeting


  • Need more information - Send to Usability (request feedback from community).


  • Recommendation: Community development /Send to Usability
    Possibly add mode similar to "Enable Reorder Mode" to incorporate a "publish selected" option.


  • Recommend increasing the priority to critical and passing for ready for implementation. While I strongly support eliminating the “Additional Description” category, that would have a major impact on other views, so until then, making the notes display would be sufficient. Waiting on Usability project.

Action items
