2020-11- 03 Meeting notes


Nov 3, 2020

Meeting link:


Meeting ID: 958 6616 4758

Passcode: 635061

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,95866164758# US (Chicago)

+19292056099,,95866164758# US (New York)


  • @Lori Dedeyan

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • @Cory Nimer

  • @Joanne Archer (Unlicensed) - regrets

  • @Kate Blalack- regrets

  • Note taker: Lori


Discussion topics








  • Meeting once a month, on first Tuesdays.

  • Next meeting December 1

  • As part of DevPri, Althea can pick Usability tickets to look at and have our tickets be prioritized that way

  • DevPri and Usability leads should be communicating consistently- either via meeting or email- to add our tickets to their agenda

  • Can add this workflow to our documentation/ leader responsibilities

Issue follow-up

  • https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-977 was passed by DevPri

  • Mobile display tickets: ANW-1029 and ANW-1041 were passed by DevPri- need some documentation from Althea and Brittany about phone OS/broswer info

  • ANW-1046: will pass forward with comment about breadcrumb ribbon behavior (that it will wrap if too long, etc.)

  • ANW-780 (related): send out a call for community feedback

New tickets (all)



  • ANW-1032: comment with link to ANW- [Top Container restrictions], that ticket if passed will address first part of this ticket

  • ANW-1032: second part of ticket needs a call for community feedback

  • ANW-1055 for next time

New issues


  • Create a running list of tickets where we’ve determined need for user feedback, then we can batch attach them to a google form and send out to user list on a regular timeline (maybe every 2 mo)

  • We will create a running list on google drive and start working on template- for December meeting

  • Take this process to UAC meeting for discussion in January

Action items