2023-2024 Testing Workplan
2023-2024 Testing Workplan
The testing team will perform regression testing for any releases as they become available and will test specific JIRA issues as assigned.
Specific Tasks or Projects
Ongoing/Recurring Tasks
Assign testing tasks across the team (regression and JIRA) as they are moved to a ready for testing status. Point person is @Austin Munsell
Perform regression testing for upcoming releases.
Test specific JIRA issues as assigned
Onboard new members with guided testing for the first JIRA assignments and first full regression tests. @Austin Munsell
Schedule regular drop in work sessions for testing assignments @Austin Munsell
In-Progress Projects Carried Over from Last Term
Review and update the https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/38502434.
New Projects for This Term
With User Docs, investigate and possibly implement a method for testers to identify needed updates to the ArchivesSpace User Documentation that are identified in testing
Maintenance Activities
Update access to Testing Google Drive
Identify and train a Vice Lead who will lead this team in 2024/25