Nominating Committee Chair Responsibilities
Nominating Committee Chair Responsibilities
The Nominating Committee Chair is appointed by the Governance Board to represent the Board in the nominations process and to serve as the Committee's liaison to the Board.
The Chair is responsible for leading or carrying out the following responsibilities:
- Working with the Governance Board to identify and appoint suitable members of the ArchivesSpace community to serve as membership category representatives on the Nominating Committee.
- Reviewing and revising as needed the calls for nominations to fill vacancies on the Governance Board, Technical Advisory Council, and User Advisory Council, and posting such calls to the appropriate ArchivesSpace mailing lists.
- Convening conference calls/virtual meetings of the Nominating Committee as needed to fulfill its charge in accordance with established timelines (note: given the typically geographically distributed composition of the Nominating Committee and its short timeline, there is generally no possibility for convening face-to-face meetings).
- Encouraging members of the Nominating Committee to actively solicit nominees for vacant positions.
- Coordinating communications with Committee members and prospective nominees to ensure that all involved understand the various steps in the process.
- Forwarding recommended nominees to the Governance Board for review and approval.
- Informing nominees of the outcomes of the selection process and securing candidate statements from nominees who are selected to stand for election.
- Announcing the start and close of the election for Governance Board candidates, issuing reminders as needed.
- Coordinating with the Governance Board Chair to announce the results of the election and contacting candidates who are not elected.
- Debriefing the nominations and elections processes and updating this wiki guide accordingly
Some of the above responsibilities may be shared with Program Manager, who serves as an ex officio member of the Nominating Committee. Organizational Home staff may also provide additional support, including facilitating conference calls, virtual meetings, and online balloting.
, multiple selections available,
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