Matthew Gorham (regrets)
Amanda Greenwood
Regine Heberlein (Ex-Officio, TAC Vice-Chair)
Austin Munsell (Ex-Officio, TAC Chair)
Michelle Paquette
Mary Pedraza
Kolbe Resnick
Keli Schmid
Matt Strauss
Chris Tanguay
Ashley Williams Clawson
Time | Item | Presenter/Facilitator | Notes |
10 mins | Introductions | Rebecca Baugnon | Brief introductions for each member Name, where you work, how long have you been on Council, sub-team(s) 🧊 Icebreaker: What was the first concert that you attended? |
2 mins | Roster Updates | Rebecca Baugnon | 👋 A warm welcome to our newest members: Dalton Alves Elizabeth Delmage Amanda Greenwood David Krah Kelly Kress Noah Lasley Heather Lember Christine Liebson Kolbe Resnick
A recording of new member orientation is available here. Passcode is 2Wa+qJ!J |
3 min | About This Meeting | Rebecca Baugnon | UAC meets monthly except in December, when there will be no meeting. UAC and TAC hold two joint meetings - one in September and one in the Spring. Meetings typically consist of: Overall UAC report Report from the ArchivesSpace Program Manager Reports from sub-teams on recent work Block of time for discussion, usually led by one sub-team each month.
Notetaking assignments this term will be extended alphabetically to non-sub-team lead members.
5 mins | Program Update | Christine Di Bella | |
5 mins | The Year Ahead | Rebecca Baugnon | 📆 Yearly Timeline of Council Activities : this page in the Council Handbook gives a month-by-month breakdown of Council activities, as well as who is responsible for those activities. Terms begin in July and end in June. In June and July there is typically little Council work outside of the Chair’s responsibilities. Joint TAC/UAC meetings are held twice a year, once early in the term (usually September) and again towards the end of the term. Workplans are due and presented at the first joint meeting in September. Quarterly reports to the Governance Board in August, October, January, and May December meeting cancelled Online member forum in the spring – Council participation is strongly encouraged. Most Council work wraps up in June. Sub-teams complete a retrospective and work to make term-to-term transition as easy as possible. Sub-teams usually meet monthly, although this can vary based on the work and needs of the sub-team (e.g., Testing).
10 min | UAC Business | Rebecca Baugnon | Documentation and Workspaces: Expectations for sub-teams: Hold first meeting, if you have not already Craft workplan for the term, to be presented at the TAC/UAC meeting in September Identify sub-team Vice Leads
Expectations for all: Goals for this term: In-meeting poll on UAC Monthly Meeting days/times Joint TAC/UAC Meeting in September (instead of normal UAC meeting). Please fill out Doodle poll. Sub-team Leads/Vice Leads - Look for an e-mail from me to schedule a bi-monthly check-in.
10 mins | Sub-team Reports | | Sub-team Leads: Provide a general overview of sub-team responsibilities Provide a summary of current projects In the sections below - provide updates (if any) from work completed in July and August.
| Development Prioritization | Matt Strauss | Primary goal is reviewing and prioritizing feature request and bug reports Special projects include seeking community input of certain tickets, standardizing JIRA ticket editing, and supporting ticket submission efforts Reviewed 7 tickets at August meeting
| Member Engagement | Jaime Margalotti | |
| Testing | Michelle Paquette | |
| Usability | Susannah Broyles | General responsibilities: respond to Jira tickets that streamline navigation, clarify the visual layout, identify accessibility improvements, and enhance the ease of use of for both the staff interact and the PUI. Current projects: Review of PUI display of Agents module, ongoing multilingual description work. Usability has not met yet this term.
| Users Documentation | Kelly.Francis | General responsibilities are to create, update, and maintain documentation for the ArchivesSpace Help Center Current projects: review documentation for bulk import digital object spreadsheet; identify and consolidate duplicate pages in the User Manual; continue review of User Manual pages User Docs has not met yet this term
10 mins | Sub-team Workplans | Rebecca Baugnon | What goes in a workplan: Workplans Identify overall goals for the term Identify specific tasks or projects to accomplish Optional: identify opportunities for new or continued collaboration with other sub-teams (both within UAC and across to TAC) Optional: identify themes for how you intend to approach your work Optional: identify projects or areas that are out-of-scope for the term
Methods: Review your sub-team’s workplan and retrospective from the previous year Be realistic! Small, achievable goals are important! Think long-term about maintenance Feel empowered to be creative
Other notes about workplans: Sub-team Leads will be asked to present a summary of their workplans at the September TAC/UAC meeting TAC and UAC Chairs and Co-Chairs will meet after the September meetings to review all workplans to identify areas for support or further collaboration
2 mins | Questions | Rebecca Baugnon | |
3 mins | Next Steps | Rebecca Baugnon | |