User Advisory Council

User Advisory Council


The Users Advisory Council facilitates community engagement and serves as a communication conduit between the ArchivesSpace Governance Board and ArchivesSpace member users. Its activities include:

  • Advising the ArchivesSpace Governance Board and the ArchivesSpace Organizational Home on the design and delivery of services, such as community support services, technical support, documentation, training, migration, hosting, etc.
  • As a joint representative of the Development Prioritization subteam, discussing and voting on ideas for software enhancements and improvements.
  • As a joint representative of the Testing subteam, conducting user-centered testing of the application prior to releases and conduct ongoing usability studies as needed.
  • Maintain liaison with national and regional archives organizations including the SAA, ALA, AAM, AASLH, and other relevant professional groups.
  • Provide ongoing updates to the user documentation.
  • Advocate on the usability and functionality of the software program to facilitate adoption of the program.

The Users Advisory Council convenes every month to share subteam updates and to discuss topics as a council.