DELETE -- End of Term Considerations



Task, Ticket, and Google Drive Ownership

Term Transition Doldrums

Next Term




This page includes advice for how to approach the end of the Council term with a spirit of continuity. One of the major end-of-term activities is the subteam retrospective, but this should be accompanied by other wrapping up activities to ensure good maintenance going forward.



Task, Ticket, and Google Drive Ownership

  • Task Ownership:

    • Was someone in particular taking the lead on something? If so, will they be on Council next term? Do they want to continue with the task?

    • If they are rotating off, who will act as the lead or point person?

    • Does it even need to continue?

    • What knowledge or resources can the person rotating off or handing the project off pass onto the new person?

  • Ticket Ownership:

    • Does someone who is rotating off own a Jira ticket that needs follow-up? If so, ensure someone else on the subteam who will be there next term is also watching the ticket.

  • Google Drive Ownership:

    • Review and appraise the contents of your subteam’s Google Drive. This is a good place for individuals to contribute and not just the Lead or Vice Lead.

    • Review existing files for relevance; delete irrelevant or obsolete files; leave comments in files if they need explanation; and organize the workspace for the next term.

    • Confluence is considered the system of record for Council activities and documentation, whereas Google Drive is for draft and working documentation. Drafts or other materials that do not necessitate retention can be deleted.

    • Transfer ownership of important files if they are owned by members who are rotating off.

    • Files can always be transferred to archivesspacehome[at]gmail[dot]com if needed.


Term Transition Doldrums

  • Term transition is the period after our last official meeting and before the next one. That “next meeting” can be in July, but more often it is in August. Council activities slow but do not stop during this period. There is usually a quarterly report due in this transitional time.

  • New members are also assigned to subteams during this time. Subteam Leads will receive word about these assignments, and Leads should make themselves available for questions to new members prior to the Council Orientation in July.


Next Term