Dev Pri Retrospective 2023-2024

Overview of Accomplishments

  • Assessed 77 tickets

    • Passed for development: 40

    • Passed for community development: 1

    • Awaiting more information: 20

    • Closed: 16

  • Supported Program Team on creation of new Jira guidance for the ArchivesSpace Community for the creation of new feature requests and bug reports.

  • Sought ArchivesSpace Community feedback on feature request tickets to inform Dev Pri discussions. Created a list of tickets to seek Community feedback on.

  • Being able to support the work of the Lead Developer on frameworks for Jira tickets.

  • Made progress with tickets which had been stuck in ‘Awaiting More Information’ for long periods.

What Went Well

  • Rotating the agenda went well, continuing on practice from previous years. This gave an opportunity for all sub team members to contribute.

  • Covered a good variety of tickets across the ArchivesSpace modules.

  • Working with the ArchivesSpace Program Team, especially on Jira guidance.

  • Made good progress in reducing the number of tickets awaiting attention.

  • Creating a foundation for seeking more Community input on tickets.

  • Continued to invite UAC and TAC members to join Dev Pri meetings for general interest or interest in tickets.

What Did Not Go Well

  • Not able to progress some ideas on our 2023-2024 workplan due to increased attention and work needed other aspects.

What Can be Improved

  • Having more representation from institutions that use the ArchivesSpace PUI.

  • Have members from the developer side to progress technical / backend focussed tickets.

Ideas for Next Term

  • Community Q&A sessions or office hours to help with tickets etc.

  • Continue work with other sub teams.

  • Formalize a process for Dev Pri to edit Jira tickets and create training / guidance on this for Dev Pri members.

Roster Changes for Next Term

  • Departures: Matthew Neely (UAC), Cory Nimer (UAC) and Tom Steel (UAC) rotating off. Dillon Thomas (UAC) resigned.

  • 2024-2025 Lead: Matt Strauss (TAC)

  • 2024-2025 Vice-Lead: Brianna McLaughlin (TAC)