2022-2023 Dev Pri Retrospective

Overview of Accomplishments

  • Assessed 125 tickets as follows

    • Passed for development: 77

    • Passed for community development: 3

    • Awaiting more information: 17

    • Closed: 28

  • Shared agendas with TAC and UAC and extended an open invitation to council members to join if there are any tickets they are interested in commenting on

  • Updated process documentation

What Went Well

  • Having invites for others was helpful for getting feedback on tickets

  • Usually able to get through the whole agenda

  • Good amount of time per ticket

  • Got a lot of tickets completed

What Did Not Go Well


What Can Be Improved

Ideas for Next Term

  • Another round of the community survey by Dev/Pri?

  • More outreach encouraging tickets?

  • The things we said we might do in the previous workplan:

    • Present at 2023 ArchivesSpace online forum about the work of the group.

    • Select a few “Awaiting More Information” tickets of particular value and seek additional community feedback or otherwise attempt to resolve them.

    • Create a running list of tickets that require additional community feedback and share list with broader community.

Roster Changes for Next Term

  • Departures: Dan Michelson (UAC) and Randy Kuehn (TAC) rotating off

  • Lead: Matthew Neely (UAC)

  • Vice-Lead: Matt Strauss (TAC)