2022-2023 Dev Pri Retrospective
Overview of Accomplishments
Assessed 125 tickets as follows
Passed for development: 77
Passed for community development: 3
Awaiting more information: 17
Closed: 28
Shared agendas with TAC and UAC and extended an open invitation to council members to join if there are any tickets they are interested in commenting on
Updated process documentation
What Went Well
Having invites for others was helpful for getting feedback on tickets
Usually able to get through the whole agenda
Good amount of time per ticket
Got a lot of tickets completed
What Did Not Go Well
What Can Be Improved
Assigning relative priorities?
Ideas for Next Term
Another round of the community survey by Dev/Pri?
More outreach encouraging tickets?
The things we said we might do in the previous workplan:
Present at 2023 ArchivesSpace online forum about the work of the group.
Select a few “Awaiting More Information” tickets of particular value and seek additional community feedback or otherwise attempt to resolve them.
Create a running list of tickets that require additional community feedback and share list with broader community.
Roster Changes for Next Term
Departures: Dan Michelson (UAC) and Randy Kuehn (TAC) rotating off
Lead: Matthew Neely (UAC)
Vice-Lead: Matt Strauss (TAC)