
AS UAC Features Prioritization Group Notes, 4/7/2014


Note taking duties will be rotated, so Julie Patton can focus on facilitating meetings. Brief notes will be taken for all meetings. Much of our work will be documented by/recorded in Pivotal Tracker.  Mary volunteered to take notes this time.


“Velocity” relates to the number of stories that can be completed during a sprint. It does not factor in chores or bugs that also need to be dealt with.  However, bugs and chores do need to be factored in in determine what can be completed during a sprint.


When testing bugs in icebox, indicate whether a tested bug is negative or positive in “activity” in the story on Pivotal Tracker. Chris or Brad will verify and remove the bug from the icebox.


In responding regarding whether a bug one in testing has been fixed, “positive” means it is still a bug while “false” indicates that the bug has been fixed.


Positive bugs tested in icebox will be moved by Chris or Brad to backlog.


Current strategy in prioritizing tasks is to deal with like items together.  Currently, we want to prioritize tasks related to names (on the staff side) and agents. Import and Export issues will become a priority as we move forward.


It may be that many of the Public UI features have already been taken care of—Brad and Chris will weigh in on these as we work through stories.


Stories in backlog will be ranked in order of importance—high importance at the top.


We will meet again on 4/16/14 to finish prioritization.



Mary and Julie May will finish testing bugs assigned to them

Spec required for OAI-PMH.  Gordon will ask someone if they can write it.