2019-01-30 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting

2019-01-30 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting

Date: January 30, 2019 - 11:00 a.m. Eastern / 10:00 a.m. Central / 9:00 a.m. Mountain/ 8:00 a.m. Pacific


@Terry Catapano

@Julia McGinnis

@Bria Lynn Parker

Kate Blalack

Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)

Adrienne Harling

Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed) 

Nikki Thomas 

Jamie Weeks (Unlicensed)


Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items                    













Roll Call


Notetaker: Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

(Please feel free to edit the notes/attendance list if I missed anything!)

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

Release of v. 2.5.2.  Testing done over break and release out in mid-January.  Currently working on new pull requests and features.  Planned for February.

New features include human-readable URLs and persistent URL functionality.

Community discussion at the end of February 26 from 3-4pm EST on Zoom re: long-range planning, strategic directions, concerns.  Encouraged to get a group of colleagues together for the call.  Many board members will be tuning in.  

Online forum on March 18.  11 hours of ArchivesSpace things happening online!  3 blocks of content, different programs and participants in each one.  Call for proposals now.

Lyraris and Duraspace has announced an intent to merge where Duraspace would come under Lyrasis = greater opportunities to collaborate in the future.  Final merger vote would happen around the end of Feb.  No anticipated negative impact on ArchivesSpace.  Lyrasis/Duraspace are planning town halls to provide info/address concerns. 


Workflows and implementation strategies for smaller institutions/smaller staff levels Working GroupMegan Firestone (Unlicensed)

Would anyone from UAC be interested in joining?  Seeking members!  Members of this Working Group don't necessarily need to be with member institutions.

(Suggestion from Lydia: share an announcement on SAA Collection Management Tools Section and ArchivesSpace Google group)

Subteam Reports

TAC Subteams

@Patrick Galligan (Integrations)Monitoring and assisting as needed with Alma Integration group effort, reviewed/updated documentation, including advocacy for integrating with ArchivesSpace. 

@Julia McGinnis or @Bria Lynn Parker (Migration)Reviewing data import/export mappings bringing them up-to-date with codebase where necessary. Discussing how to effectively monitor and respond to listserv questions re: migration. Will assess this at the end of the year. 

@Alicia Detelich (Technical Documentation)2018-2019 Technical Documentation sub-team Work Plan  Tech Docs repo is the official home for documentation.  Interested in opening feedback for improving/expanding documentation.  Open an issue on GitHub or email TechDocs team members.  Planning to update API documentation, such as providing examples.  Interested in specifically getting a developer email list.

UAC Subteams

Development Prioritization

Lydia Tang

Addressed 65 tickets since the last UAC meeting in November!  Emphasis on addressing Bugs and resolving legacy tickets. The current Bug board stats are the lowest in recent memory.

We have been experimenting with structuring the pre-meeting work and notes/decisions, which helped us address so many tickets at each meeting.  In January, we welcomed Maggie Hughes as co-leader of the subteam.  We thank all of the members of the subteam for their hard work this quarter! 

Kanban stats:

Bugs: 17 Awaiting Prioritization, 10 Awaiting More Info and 64 in Ready for Implementation. 

Feature Requests: 120 in Awaiting Prioritization, 52 in Awaiting More Information, and 70 in Ready for Implementation. 

Seeking member feedback on:

ANW-372 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-453 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-440 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The following proposed plug ins would need data mappings:  ANW-478 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-481 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-479 - Getting issue details... STATUS

TestingBrittany NewberryMembers helped with testing of the v2.5.2 release candidate in December. Waiting to hear about future testing


Kevin Clair

Assessing/improving/revising the existing documentation.  Drafting a survey.  A survey happened after the summer, questions re: people who create their own documentation and why there may be a need for people to create their own.  Interested in collaborating with TechDocs.


Alston Coburn

Reviewing documentation re: pre-defined reports, revisited the need for a better sense from community re: their use and needs of reports.  Will participate in an open call discussion with the community.  

  • Use cases
  • What they wish they could do but can't
  • If they aren't using them, why not?

Other Business

Any ideas for collaboration/representation on the online forum?

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