FY2016/17 Results of Elections and Appointments

FY2016/17 Results of Elections and Appointments

To the members of the ArchivesSpace community:

I am pleased to announce the results of the elections we recently conducted to fill vacancies on the ArchivesSpace Governance Board.

Audra Eagle Yun, Head of Special Collections & Archives and University Archivist, at the University of California, Irvine Libraries, has been elected to serve as the representative for Very Large member institutions

Alston Cobourn, Digital Scholarship Librarian, at Washington and Lee University, has been elected to serve as the representative for Small member institutions (note: following her election, Alston accepted a position with a larger institution, and so resigned; the Board decided to fill her vacancy by appointing the runner-up in the election, Heather Heckman, Head of Collection Management, Pennsylvania State Archives, in her stead

Audra and Alston will serve two-year terms, effective as of today, July 1, and running through June 30, 2018. We extend our renewed thanks to outgoing representatives Megan Sniffin-Marinoff (Harvard University) and Lynda Kachurek (University of Richmond). We also remain grateful to Cynthia Gehring and Heather Heckman for their candidacies and to the several other members who participated in the nomination process.

The leadership needs of our community-based, community-driven organization are ongoing, and so the contributions of all members, including those of you who voted as voting representatives for your member institutions, continue to be greatly valued.

As our board chair Carol Mandel noted in her recent report, Gregor Trinkhaus-Randall has been appointed as the new LYRASIS board liaison to the ArchivesSpace Governance Board, succeeding Jay Schafer in that role. Gregor is currently the vice chair of the LYRASIS board and a former SAA President.

The board has also recently approved the appointments of two new members to the Users Advisory Council representing Small member institutions: Suzanne Stasiulatis (Pennsylvania State Archives) and Jamie Weeks (Weber State University). The board is in the process of filling the vacancy on UAC created by the election Alston Cobourn to the Governance Board (note: this vacancy was filled by appointing alternate nominees Jasmine Jones, Metadata and Technical Services Archivist, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College).

Best wishes to all as we welcome our representatives to their new roles and look ahead to the coming year.

Respectfully submitted,

Christian Dupont

Chair, 2016 Nominating Committee and Large Member representative to the Governance Board

On behalf of committee members:

Stephen Hussman (University of Arizona), representing very large membership level
Ed Galloway (University of Pittsburgh), representing large membership level
Annie Benefiel (Grand Valley State University), representing medium membership level
Margot Note (World Monuments Fund), representing small membership level
Yue Ma (Chinese Museum in America), representing very small membership level
Gordon Daines (BYU), chair, User Advisory Council (ex officio)
Sally Vermatten (NYU), chair, Technical Advisory Council (ex officio)
Brad Westbrook (ArchivesSpace), Program Manager (ex officio)