2024-08-06 Meeting notes

Aug 6, 2024

12-1:30pm ET

Zoom link



  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Keli Schmid

  • @Alexander Duryee

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Mattie Clear

  • @Brianna McLaughlin

  • @Donald Smith

  • @Bonnie Gordon

  • @David Krah

  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Elizabeth Peters

  • @Dalton Alves

  • @Dustin Stokes

  • @Thimios Dimopulos


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more information tickets.


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/

 Discussion topics











@Matt Strauss /all

Welcome to new members and introductions




@Matt Strauss

Discuss Dev/Pri Work plan for 2024-2025


Dev Pri’s primary work will continue to be reviewing and prioritizing tickets for development.  What other activities should we consider?

A few possibilities from last year’s work and retrospective:

  • Solicit feedback from ArchivesSpace community on certain tickets to inform Dev Pri discussions.

  • Formalize and document process for Dev Pri to edit Jira tickets.

  • Community Q&A sessions or office hours to help with tickets.





Discuss community input for this ticket that was sent to the email list in February.



@Matt Strauss

  1. Confirmed bug and recommend this pass.

  2. There are few different requests tied into this ticket about the PUI and SUI Advanced Search.

    1. Add the inventory field to the search: field might be solved by the Extended Advanced Search plugin developed by Yale. 

    2. Ability to limit advanced search by record type: I think this achievable by using facets to narrow results.

    3. Make the SUI Advanced Search the same as PUI Advanced Search: I’d like to hear more about the benefits of doing this and perhaps submitting a new ticket following the new template would generate this information.  



@Brianna McLaughlin

  1. I agree this is confusing. I think a warning that the box is not checked or vice versa is a good idea. Recommend passing.

  2. Can confirm local restriction type is not importing. The reporter said that there was not an error indicating that the local restriction type did not import, but I am actually encountering what seems to be an unrelated error. I get the error “[Some system error has occurred [undefined method `title' for nil:NilClass].] when I am importing a local access restriction type with a date. The only difference between successful and unsuccessful imports is a date despite the error pointing to title. Very confusing! Recommend passing.



@Bonnie Gordon

  1. Bug is undesirable. Pass.

  2. Use case is reasonable. Should work be bundled with ANW-1863?



@Alexander Duryee

  1. Tested this on sandbox and found the same issue - the MARC included in OAI exports is incomplete. In addition to the leader and 008 fields, the 040 is also exporting as a blank node, despite having information in the non-OAI MARC. Recommend passing.

  2. Tested on sandbox and confirmed the error. This appears to be an oversight from ASpace 3.0 development. Recommend passing.



@Keli Schmid





@Mattie Clear



  1. Confirmed that it is an issue. Updating to allow the cancel functionality would align with what other similar functionalities allow. Recommend Passing.

  2. Confirmed that it is an issue/bug that should be resolved to allow for ease of updating events with the proper agents. Recommend passing.