2020-2021 Metadata Standards retrospective

2020-2021 Metadata Standards retrospective


  • Completed and published a revision of the MARC to AS import documentation.

  • Provided comments on 3 Jira tickets

Priorities for next term

  • Develop a workflow for maintaining the importer/exporters sustainably. Suggestion to add metadata standards tags to tickets that require touching those files in the codebase. It is currently a major problem that Metadata Standards team members need to be able to partially read Ruby code to be a part of this group.

  • Address default behavior for MARC 300 fields

  • Address remaining issues from 2021-06-08 minutes

  • Revise the AS to MARC documentation and publish

  • Simplify the MARC importer/exporter to make it easier to maintain long-term.

  • Explore using working meetings to help members get work done

  • Outstanding Jira issues needing metadata standards feedback (there may be untagged issues that we should find such as ANW784 and 504):

Leadership for next term

Chair: Valerie Addonizio

Outgoing chair: Elizabeth Roke