2022 Online Forum Ideas and Questions

Broad: What would 2021-2022 TAC-MD like to tell users?

  • @Elizabeth Roke Suggested a session on how to write a Jira ticket, a good idea for a joint presentation or a suggestion for Dev Pri

    • Moving to a broader TAC idea for next term

Specific: Were there specific decisions this term that we want people to know about?

  • We will make recommendations that support for MARC fields be depreciated, but not until a certain year so that the community has plenty notice that these are going away.

    • Volunteer for this slide: @Elizabeth Roke

    • How will we share the list of MARC fields that we are recommending be removed?

      • Elizabeth will share the mappings and her filtering

  • But we will also be ADDING support for MARC fields that map to DACS that were lacking.

    • Volunteer for this slide: @Elizabeth Roke

    • How will we share the list of MARC fields that we are recommending be added?

      • Elizabeth will share the mappings and her filtering


Broad: What would we like to hear from/ask users?

Specific: Are there specific questions this term that we want input on?



Format: What format(s) do we want to use? Recommend that it will vary based on the desired outcome


How will we measure success?

  • Just show up!