2023-09-05 Meeting notes
Sep 5, 2023
11:30am-1pm ET
@Matthew Neely
@Matt Strauss
@Keli Schmid
@Tom Steele
@Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)
@Christine Di Bella
@Mattie Clear
@Brianna McLaughlin
@Donald Smith
@Dillon Thomas
@Bonnie Gordon
@Cory Nimer
Finalise 2023-2024 workplan.
Prioritize new and awaiting more information tickets.
Kanban boards:
New bug reports: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15
New feature requests: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=16
Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/
Discussion topics
Topic / Who | Tickets | Notes | Decision |
@Matthew Neely / All | 2023-2024 work plan sign off. |
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@Keli Schmid | ANW-1682: Add "skip to main content" functionalityReady for Implementation | This user is asking for a link at the top of each page allowing keyboard-only users to jump to the main content, bypassing the need to tab through multiple steps to get there. This feature is recommended by W3C. I recommend passing this ticket | Pass. |
@Matthew Neely | ANW-1757: As an archivist I would like an option to duplicate a full resource recordClosed-Complete |
@Cory Nimer | Ticket requests additional fields for recording a label (<head> element) value for EAD exports, though consulting with the reporter it was indicated that these might also be used in PUI display. In the PUI, the default labels are “Subjects” and “Collection organization.” Currently for EAD exports these <head> elements need to be added to file after export. In the PUI the headings can be modified using YML files, but the request is to allow custom labels for each Resource record. Decisions would need to be made about where to record these values in the staff interface. Recommend gathering additional community feedback about interest in this level of display customization. | Close – recommend pursuing a plugin. | |
@Bonnie Gordon | Given the specifics of this issue, was not able to reproduce this. This issue appears to require a very specific scenario to happen and has a workaround when it does happen. | Awaiting more information. Could not replicate issue. A workaround does exist and issue may be caused by running on an older version of AS. | |
@Brianna McLaughlin | Was not unable to reproduce this issue as it was reported. The reporter’s PUI cuts off the note under ordered lists or block quotes. They may be using an older version of ArchivesSpace. 3.4.1 does not cut off the note text. However, in 3.4.1 I can see the truncated view of the notes pulls out the lists and block quotes rather than just showing the first 61 words like normal. Even the See More button is immediately above the list or block quote, making it look like it’s separate from the rest of the note. I recommend asking the reporter about their current ArchivesSpace version and potentially passing as a bug. | Awaiting more information. Confirming what AS version requester is using before moving forward. | |
@Dillon Thomas | Was only able to reproduce the issue once, and not exactly as described. The agent relationship dates were auto-populated incorrectly, but were easily edited and those edits were retained. This hopefully means this will be a low-occurrence issue with an easy work around if it is considered a lower priority. | Close ticket. Feature is not designed to work in the manner described by the requester. Workaround indicated in comments. Documentation for Related Agent field should be updated. | |
@Alexander Duryee (Deactivated) | ANW-1740: Display API jobs in Background jobs sectionAwaiting More Information |
| Awaiting more information. Unable to replicate. |
@Mattie Clear | ANW-1741: Agents browse view displays record id in "authority id" columnReady for Implementation | Confirmed and was able to replicate that this is the issue. The information that is currently being imported into this column is only included if folks input the information - often this column includes the LCNAF/LCSH identifier if that is included in the input of an agent. I believe this issue and the root of this ticket relates to the use of the “authority_id” that is needed for the spreadsheet importer. This authority id is unique to each ArchivesSpace instance and related to when an agent is created. The description for this column in the spreadsheet is “(The numeric suffix on the URL of the Agent record, e.g., 9921 for https://arstaffqa.hul.harvard.edu/agents/agent_person/9921.”
I’m not sure if this is an easy fix, but it would also be helpful for the subjects as there is a similar issue. An easy fix to this issue would be to select the “URI” as a column type that will have that identifier number present. Recommendation: Pass | Pass. |
@Matt Strauss | ANW-1745: Provide specific failure information in import log error messagesReady for Implementation | This ticket requests that specific information be provided in the error log when an EAD import fails. Currently, the error messages can be vague and might not point to exactly where within the EAD file the issue is. Implementing this feature request would make resolving problematic EAD a lot easier. Recommend passing this. | Pass. |
@Tom Steele | From personal experience I know importing related subjects involves a bit of clean up it does seem reasonable to me the default should be the one that involves the least work. As long as people know they can turn on the option. Merits discussion. | Pass. Recommend that the default value of the checkbox be made a configurable option. |