2025-04-01 Meeting notes

2025-04-01 Meeting notes

Apr 1, 2025

12-1:30pm ET

Zoom link



  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Alexander Duryee -regrets

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Mattie Clear

  • @Brianna McLaughlin

  • @Donald Smith

  • @Bonnie Gordon

  • @David Krah

  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Elizabeth Peters

  • @Dalton Alves

  • @Dustin Stokes

  • @Thimios Dimopulos

  • @Jen Cwiok


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more information tickets.


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace test server: http://test.archivesspace.org/















@Matt Strauss /all



Virtual Member Forum presentation recap

Presentation at UAC April meeting





@Mattie Clear

  1. ANW-2150: Agent and Subject sorting using the browse option on Resource/Accession/AO/DO does not workAwaiting Prioritization

  2. ANW-2151: Digital Object Component Label Display InconsistencyAwaiting Prioritization

  1. Confirmed Issue as it relates to sorting agents and subjects with resources, accessions, archival objects, and digital objects. The options to sort these agents and subjects appears, but after clicking the various options it continues to be sorted by relevance. Recommend passing.

  2. Confirmed issue as it relates to Digital Object component labeling. The label appears in the backend as well as in the side bar navigation on the public facing side but doesn’t appear in the title after a given item has been selected. Recommend passing.





@Regine Heberlein

  1. ANW-2219: Container profile uniqueness contraint on name is surprising and overly restrictiveAwaiting Prioritization

  2. ANW-2090: PUI 'Staff Only' button hidden when using different domains for staff vs. PUI URLsAwaiting Prioritization






@Bonnie Gordon

1.ANW-2049: As an Archivist, I would like the Digital Object CSV to allow for multiple file versions.Awaiting Prioritization

2.ANW-2144: As a metadata creator, I find the "Authorized" label on Agent name forms lacking authority information confusingAwaiting Prioritization






@Dalton Alves

1.ANW-2118: Agents "Outline" level ambiguityAwaiting Prioritization

2.ANW-1827: Need more granular search options and improved Help for Manage Top Containers ModuleAwaiting Prioritization

  1. Agreed that outline hierarchy and structure is very confusing. Also agree that moving items between levels would simplify creation of outlines. Not sure if this is a bug, but rather a feature request? Also, any enhancements to agent chronologies should probably also be applied to resource record chronologies.

  2. This could be broken into many different feature requests. Many of the notes on this ticket are related to search functionality of top containers – could start there.





@Brianna McLaughlin

1.ANW-2235: Setting a location to "previous" in the top_container record requires it to be set to "temporary" in the location recordAwaiting Prioritization

2.ANW-1907: Custom reports templates - add Resource URI to display to Resources report optionAwaiting Prioritization

  1. Was able to reproduce bug. It is currently impossible to save a location as “previous” unless the location is marked as temporary. Since a non-temporary location can be a previous location for a container in various use cases, it does not make sense that a location must be “temporary” in order to be a previous location. Reporter suggests Remove the requirement that a linked location can only be set to status “previous” if the location itself is marked “temporary.” Recommend passing.

  2. User requests adding Resource URI to custom report template options. Their use case is achievable via exporting browsing results. Recommend closing unless adding Resource URI would be simple to add to a custom report template.





@Matt Strauss

1.ANW-2085: ambiguous match in as-ead-pdf.xslAwaiting Prioritization

2.ANW-2124: LCNAF Import - request for checkbox to prevent ASpace from creating related agent recordsAwaiting Prioritization






@Dustin Stokes

1.ANW-1762: JRuby and Rails versions in ASpace are EOL and out of support.Awaiting Prioritization

2.ANW-2139: add barcode configuration option to location and child container barcodesAwaiting Prioritization






@David Krah

1.ANW-2138: In a resource, the Publish All and Unpublish All bottons are active in View modeAwaiting Prioritization







@Elizabeth Peters




  1. As far as I can tell, linking to an existing resource or AO is required on the current bulk import DO spreadsheet

  2. Recommend passing, but may require more conversation about how to implement. Would need to address similar issues as Agent linking currently has in upload spreadsheets: link to existing DOs without changing them or creating new ones. Could use similar functionality to DO import and Top Container spreadsheets, using unique ids. Field would need to be repeatable, like top containers are.






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