2014-01-29 Meeting Notes

2014-01-29 Meeting Notes

Decisions and Action Items

ArchivesSpace Users Advisory Council



Notes are inserted into a copy of the meeting agenda (in blue).  “Decisions” and “Actions” are at end of the document.


Roll Call: 


Steven Bookman

Mark Custer

Gordon Daines

Nancy Enneking

Chris Fitzpatrick

Christopher Geissler

Sasha Griffin

Linda Hocking

Mary Manning

Julie May

Julie Patton

Brad Westbrook

Lynda Kachurek

Katherine Kott



Request for Volunteer to record decision points and action items

Mary Manning volunteered.


Agenda review 


Introductions around 


User Advisory Council:


Chair Pro Tem (bdw)

  • Gordon Daines appointed UAC chair for 2 years. Chair elect to be voted on according to governance rules to be established--probably a year from now.
  • Gordon Daines takes over as chair of the meeting.

Future appointments (gd)

  • 5 additional UAC members to be added from charter and general members. UAC will recommend and BoT will approve.
  • Timing for call for nominations needs to be determined.  It could be at start of FY2014/15 or mid-FY2014/2015.   First, would force a six month stagger among appointments, while the second would force a 12 month stagger.  UAC needs to discuss and make a recommendation to Board of Trustees prior to the BoT March 2014 meeting.   

Meeting schedule (gd)

  • Website states we will have 1 meeting face-to-face at SAA annual conference and 3 virtual meetings each year, but our work load will require us to meet more this first year, in which we will meet every 2 months. Afterward, we will have planned quarterly meetings.
  • UAC members should expect to have 2 hours of UAC work a week (on the average) and will need to be committed to their UAC work. UAC is a “working group.”

Council procedures (kk & gd)

  • Officers
    • At the start of 2015, chair elect will be elected
    • We need to determine how to replace members who may need to step down.
    • Recording meetings
      • Note taking will record decisions and actions—not detailed minute taking.
      • Note taking duties will revolve among UAC membership, by alphabetical order by last name. Mary Manning is taking notes this meeting. Julie May will record decisions and actions at next meeting
      • Financial support 
        • BoT is working on bylaws for councils and general membership
        • Fiduciary responsibilities go to the BoT (UAC to ask BoT for funds they need)
        • Our goal is to keep organization of UAC “lightweight.” By rotating note taking duties, a secretary is not needed. No need for treasurer as financial requests will go through the board.
        • Likewise, organization of UAC subgroups should be kept “lightweight.”


Program / operations update (bdw) 


  • Version 1.04 released last Monday.
  • Next version release set tentatively for early April.
  • Hudson Molonglo retained to help with coding--in move from project to program (using Mellon funds).
    • Archon migration tools available to Charter Members  last Monday, 1/20/2014.
    • AT migration tool will be available to all members 2/10/2014.
    • Migration tools are first available to Charter members for 90 days, then to all members for 90 days, then to all users, members and non-members.  Dates of releases are posted on the Migration tool website.
    • Present staffing is 2.5FTE (1.0 /Brad Westbrook, 1.0 Developer/Chris Fitzpatrick, and .5 Lyrasis for various support).
    • 105 members, 54 charter and 51 general—of different membership levels and types.



Task areas

  • Sub-team approach (gd)
    • The following 5 task areas were explained. 
      • Feature prioritization (bdw)
      • Documentation revision / composition (bdw)
      • Help desk (bdw)
      • Reports specification (bdw)
      • Products comparison  (gd)
      • Each team will have 2-3 members. Each member will belong to one or two task groups.
      • UAC members are to send Gordon Daines Gordon_Daines @BYU.edu) their top 3 choices by Friday.


  • Call for volunteers and sub-team leaders (gd) 

Sub teams should be in contact, select leaders, and determine work processes soon after sub-teams are formed.



Planning for SAA week

Gordon will be in touch with SAA leadership to secure a copy of the most recent conference scheduling information.


  • UAC business meeting  (gd)
    • We will wait until SAA schedule is finalized.
    • A Doodle poll will be distributed to determine availability of council members.
    • A lunch meeting during a conference “lunch on your own” slot is under consideration.
    • Open meeting (gd)
      • Will be on the “mixer” night.
      • Refreshments and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) will be served, written information will be distributed, UAC members will be there to speak with people, ArchivesSpace members will present posters outlining their ArchivesSpace projects (migration lessons, etc.)




  • Gordon Daines appointed UAC chair for 2 years. Chair elect to be voted on according to governance rules to be established--probably a year from now.
  • Note taking duties will revolve among UAC membership, by alphabetical order by last name. Mary Manning is taking notes this meeting. Julie May will record decisions and actions at next meeting
  • UAC business meeting
    • A Doodle poll will be distributed to determine availability of council members.
    • A lunch meeting during a conference “lunch on your own” slot is under consideration.
    • Open meeting
      • Will be on the “mixer” night.
      • Refreshments and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) will be served, written information will be distributed, UAC members will be there to speak with people, ArchivesSpace members will present posters outlining their ArchivesSpace projects (migration lessons, etc.)


Action Items:


  • UAC members are to send Gordon Daines (Gordon_Daines @BYU.edu) their top 3 choices by Friday.
  • Gordon will be in touch with SAA leadership to get ahold of most recent conference scheduling information.
  • Brad will request LYRASIS meeting planner to assist with SAA logistics
  • Katherine to send out the link to Pivotal tracker.