ArchivesSpace License Agreements

ArchivesSpace License Agreements

ArchivesSpace License Agreements - delivered by Esme Cowles, Technical Advisory Council, Committer Oversight Subgroup

Attached are three documents:

ArchivesSpace-CLA-overview.pdf: an overview of the purpose of contributor license agreements, and the general policy we (Subgroup) are proposing.  This text would be used for the web page where we direct institutions and developers interested in contributing to the project.

ArchivesSpace-CLA-CCLA.pdf: The license agreement that organizations would fill out and sign.

ArchivesSpace-CLA-ICLA.pdf: The license agreement that individual developers would fill out and sign.

These documents are also available in Google docs, where you can comment and make changes as needed: https://drive.google.com/#folders/0By8xePZIKXw6Wm0xcjJDQ1ZpWmc

These license agreements are based on the Apereo licensing materials (http://www.apereo.org/licensing/agreements/) which are in turn derived from the Apache licensing agreements.  We chose these licensing materials because they explicitly cover both copyright and patents.