

last updated February 2025

ArchivesSpace aims to put out two releases a year. If urgent updates are needed in between releases, we may put out smaller patch releases in between.

The roadmap represents the development projects currently being worked on or scheduled for work in the near future as cards. The roadmap also has cards for projects that could be moved up in the queue if additional resources or community contribution are provided. If you have an ArchivesSpace Atlassian account and are logged in you can see the interactive roadmap below and get more details about a project by opening up the fuller roadmap and clicking on its card. Specific Jira tickets are attached to each project card on its Delivery tab.

The Confirmed for upcoming release column shows projects that are expected to be in the next release, either because they are far enough along in testing or because they are essential to what needs to be included. The Now column shows the projects developers are currently actively working on - they may or may not be included in the next release, depending on timing. The Next column shows the projects that are not currently being worked on but are next in the pipeline. The Later column shows projects that are prioritized, but not projected to be in the next two releases or currently attached to development resources. Each release of ArchivesSpace also includes many smaller bug fixes and feature improvements that are not listed as separate cards but are attached to the “Squash bugs and add smaller new features” card in the Now column as information becomes available. Some cards may repeat from release to release, with different delivery issues attached.

The Need community contributions column shows projects that require significant community discussion or participation to get further in the planning pipeline.

Each card also indicates a larger community goal that the project contributes toward. Some projects contribute to multiple goals.

screenshot of roadmap

Roadmap  - ArchivesSpace Roadmap as of Feb 20, 2025 - includes columns for issues in different stages of development work or preparation

interactive roadmap for logged in users

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