2017-08-18 Meeting notes

2017-08-18 Meeting notes


2:00 - 3:00 PM ET, 1:00 - 2:00 PM CT, 12:00 -1:00 PM MT, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

Call-in info is:

Number: 888-354-0094

Access code: 731627

Notetaker: Christine


Unable to attend


Agenda items:





5 min

Roll call


All in attendance: please add yourself to the list of attendees

5 minIntroduction and welcome to new TAC membersChristine and new members
5 min

Thanks to TAC members for recent contributions:

  • Listserv
  • Code, documentation and bug reporting
Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed)hristine, Laney, all
  • Listserv contributions: Patrick, Kari, Max, Jason, Cory
  • Code and documentation: Mark, Trevor, Bobbi
  • Bug reporting: Jason, Rachel
  • Presenting at the Member Forum: Max, Patrick, Cory

Thank you all!

5 minProgram update
Christine and Laney


5 minChoosing the next TAC chair


proposed: Max Eckard, University of Michigan

20 minExplanation of current subteams and subteam reports

Committer Oversight sub-team update


Development Prioritization sub-team update

Jason Loeffler

The Development Prioritization sub-team continues evaluating and prioritizing JIRA tickets. The new workflow, established in Spring 2017 in conference with ArchivesSpace Tech Lead, Laney McGlohon, works remarkably well. During monthly calls, the sub-team continues to extensively discuss reported bugs and new feature requests and make recommendations for their disposition. At the time of this writing, tickets are distributed as follows:
  • There are 17 reported bugs in this queue. 
  • Of these 10 will see resolution in a future major or minor release.
  • 3 are awaiting prioritization.
  • The remaining reported bugs are awaiting more information from reporters or validation by the sub-team.

  • There are 17 new feature requests in this queue. 
  • Of these 4 will see issuance in a future major or minor release. 
  • 7 are awaiting prioritization.
  • The remaining requests are either awaiting more information from reporters or validation by the sub-team.

As bugs and feature requests related to the staff interface arise, the sub-team has agreed to refer such issues to the ArchivesSpace Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group for further evaluation, i.e. whether to immediately promote the issue in the current development workflow or redress the issues down the line, as part of a substantial overhaul of the staff interface. 
The sub-team will continue to seek opportunities to collaborate with other groups and make recommended improvements to the JIRA workflow in order to increase its transparency and efficacy for ArchivesSpace end users. 
The sub-team is also actively seeking new members for the 2017-2018 term.  

Max Eckard

Integrations page added to main archivesspace.org site (http://archivesspace.org/developers/integrations-with-archivesspace/).

Public wiki on Integrations expanded with What, How and Why resources (in addition to more in-depth information on existing integrations) (https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/17137746/Integrations).

Presented at ArchivesSpace Members Forum 2017, and facilitated a focus group about ArchivesSpace integrations afterwards (https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/100961017/ArchivesSpace+Member+Forum+2017?preview=/100961017/103584235/ArchivesSpace%20Members%20Forum-%20Integrations%20with%20Other%20Applications.pdf).

Migration sub-team update


Noah Huffman has rotated off TAC, as have a number of the previous team members.

EAD3 export:

Technical Documentation sub-team update
Scott Hanrath or Rachel Maderik

Testing sub-team update

Ed Busch

10 minConsidering subteams for 2017/2018 - what's working well, what could be improved, ideas for changesAll

Some current subteams need a new leader, some need new members. New chair will survey as to interest in team assignments.

Idea to add working groups for various projects (like EAD3 migration).

  • Ed: Sounds good–also, what's the mission of TAC.
  • A review of the charge–what does it currently cover, what does it want to cover?
  • Laney: Some of these possible small projects.
  • Like, the Python library: After it gets created (a community-supported project now, in the future may be supported).
  • ArchivesSpace program–also moving to short-term working groups. TAC and UAC there are only so many people. The people who have agreed to serve on those groups are committed for a certain period of time. Wanted something more flexible–for Python library not tied to TAC and UAC. Don't want to undercut current structure, just think about which things make good sense for that.
  • A project idea: Something for TAC–Working on a migration–developing a resource portal for migration. A list to collate this information. That sounds good. Patrick–would fit within mission. Creating documentation for integrations. Maybe fits in with existing migrations sub-team
  • Committer oversight group/Core committers–came in at the end. Committer oversight–probably the predecessor. Core committers doing what committer oversight was intended to do. Lots of policy, but not much for developing. Core committers more action oriented. Core committers not part of the governance--
  • What do people think of Core Committers group–rules of TAC you don't have to be a member ArchivesSpace to be on TAC. Documenting charges of different sub-teams. When by-law review is happening, needs to make it into the by-laws.
  • Core committers–we should ask them what they think. Laney: Hadn't thought of it being autonomous or part of TAC.
  • If we just have a report about core committer–don't necessarily need to be part of TAC.
  • Do we need committer's oversight? Seems redundant. Plenty of ways that we could find use for development-centric TAC folks.
  • Decision:
    • Dissolve Committer's oversight
    • Core committers will continue like it is
    • TAC will get report on core committer's activity

Technical documentation:

  • Shorter-term goals: How can community contribute?
  • Who reviews technical documentation for testing
 Next meeting timeSeptember - date tbc

Action items

  • Max Eckard will send out poll for next meeting (and future meetings).
  • Max Eckard will send out something asking folks to express interest in sub-teams and sub-team leadership.
  • All will think of potential new sub-teams or projects that TAC could handle.