

Agenda for TAC/UAC Leadership meeting


1)       Update from 2/3/ Board meeting

Brad noted three items from the 2/3 Governance Board in ATL:

A) That the state of the budget was healthy and might be able to support extensive enhancement of the public interface

B) Board approval of the 2015 development plan and methods and that the Board, like the ASpace community generally, was eager for the infrastructure changes to be completed and the development plan fully underway.  

C) Board approval of an ASpace member meeting on Saturday afternoon, August 22, at the end of the SAA meeting in Cleveland

2)      Continuation of TAC/UAC members.  Can we identify those who want to continue?

Brad asked chairs of the two councils to identify council members that wanted to extend their terms and those that did not and to do so before the nomination process kicks into action in April 2015.


3)      Assignment of Program staff as Liaisons to TAC/UAC


Brad noted that, in order to reduce meeting hours for ASpace staff, the following liaison roles would be established for 2015:

TAC Council:  Chris Fitzpatrick


Committer Oversight:  Chris Fitzpatrick

Documentation:  Christine Di Bella


UAC Council:  Brad Westbrook


Documentation:  Christine Di Bella

Help:  Brad Westbrook

Reports:  Nathan Stevens


X-Council Sub-groups

Features Prioritization:  attended by Brad Westbrook, Chris Fitzpatrick, Brian Hoffman, and Nathan Stevens

Migration:  Nathan Stevens

Public Interface–Brian Hoffman


 4)      Documenting TAC/UAC activities publicly

Brad noted that Christine Di Bella and he would be re-organizing pages and making them available for anonymous viewing.


5)      Planning for ASpace membership meeting, ca. 1:00 – 5:30 p.m. Saturday, August 22 (concluding Saturday of SAA meeting) in Cleveland, Ohio

Brad described in greater detail some of the gestating ideas for an ASpace members meeting at the end of the SAA conference in August, and he asked if members of the leadership team were interested in participating in a program planning group to be led by Christine Di Bella.