DELETE Guidelines for ArchivesSpace Council Sub-Teams

DELETE Guidelines for ArchivesSpace Council Sub-Teams

Composition of Council sub-teams

  • Sub-teams may be Council-specific (reporting to either TAC or UAC), or cross-Council (including members from and reporting to both Councils).

  • Sub-teams should have a minimum of 4 members.

  • Cross-council teams should have a minimum of 2 members from each Council.

  • Council members will serve on at least 1 and no more than 2 sub-teams per term.

  • To support continuity, sub-team members are encouraged to serve on the same sub-team(s) for the duration of their Council appointment. Exceptions to this can be made at the discretion of Sub-team and Council leadership.

  • At the end of each term, requirements for staffing sub-teams for the subsequent term will be determined as Council members complete their appointments. New Council members will be assigned to sub-teams as required and according to members’ skills and interest.

Sub-team leadership

  • Each sub-team will have a designated lead and vice-lead. A Council member will serve in each role for one full term, with the vice-lead succeeding as lead in the following term. At the end of the term, a new vice-lead for the next term will be selected from the sub-team membership. The selected vice-lead must have at least 2 years remaining in their term (or be willing to stand for re-appointment at the end of their first term).

  • Cross-council teams should have a lead representing one council and vice-lead representing the other. This will guarantee that leadership of the sub-team will alternate between the two Councils.

  • The sub-team will schedule and lead meetings and be responsible for reporting the work of the sub-team to their respective Council. The vice-lead will assist the chair as needed and appropriate.

Sub-team responsibilities

  • Most sub-teams typically meet monthly, at a regularly scheduled and mutually convenient time. If a sub-team’s work is closely aligned to the ArchivesSpace release schedule (e.g. Testing), regular monthly meetings may not be necessary. 

  • Sub-team meeting attendance is required. If a team member must miss a meeting it will be that member’s responsibility to notify the team lead in advance and review the meeting notes following the meeting.

  • At the beginning of each term, each sub-team will draft a work plan for the year, informed by priorities suggested by the sub-team at the end of the prior term.

  • At the end of each term, each sub-team will draft a retrospective of the sub-team’s activities for the year, to include:

    • An overview of major activities for the year

    • Discussion of any items from the work plan that were not completed

    • Recommended priorities for the next term

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