Pull Request Calendar


Pull Requests

In the context of Github repositories, a pull request is an event where a contributor asks the repository’s maintainer to review changes on an independent line of development that they want to merge into the main branch. These requests can arise at any time, and it ranges to one to a handful of requests at a time. Technical documentation is responsible for managing these requests on a monthly basis.


Members will sign up for month(s) that they would like to monitor the Git repository and merge requests. Any months left open will then be distributed evenly to the group members.


 Monthly Pull Request Assignments


Number of Pull Request

Member Assigned


Number of Pull Request

Member Assigned



@ Jenna Silver




@Bonnie Gordon




@Michelle Paquette








@Alexander Duryee































https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/2888892490/Technical+Documentation#Pull-Requests -Github pull request instructions


Jenna Silver
November 14, 2023

These were pre-loaded with the selected format, and I found them a little confusing as well but forgot to add them into my email. I wanted to get the groups thoughts on a few things after I thought about this more.

Do we really need the date of pull request? Because that would require all the pull requests to be listed out in that field, with each one corresponding to a status. So, I propose we change Date of pull request to “number of pull requests.” This will be easier to pull statistics from for quarterly reports and if we need more details, we can log into github. I also think status could either be removed or we establish a different option there.


Elizabeth M. Caringola
November 14, 2023

I agree, Jenna. I think switching date of pull request with number of pull requests makes good sense. Maybe the status column be just a general notes field to use however we find we need to?

Michelle Paquette
November 14, 2023

Yeah I think the template as it is seems more geared toward each pull request having its own line, so making those switches makes sense to me to make it a simple monthly assignment.

Bonnie Gordon
November 14, 2023

I agree with these changes!