2023-24 Metadata Standards Sub-team Retrospective

2023-24 Metadata Standards Sub-team Retrospective

Metadata Standards 2023-24 Work Plan


  • When appropriate, we attended DevPri meetings on behalf of the sub-team to advise on open development tickets that impacted ArchivesSpace support for metadata standards such as MARC and EAD.

  • Entered into a period of regular monitoring of ArchivesSpace to ensure it remains in compliance with MARC21 and EAD 2002 for both import and export as new features are developed. Responded to consultation requests from the development team and from standards developers.

  • Developed a documentation finding aid for our testing instruments – code, standards documentation, import & export documentation, etc. This is available on our GitHub page, which points to our file storage on both Atlassian and in our Google Drive.

  • Developed and circulated a community survey on uses of metadata in ArchivesSpace, including for batch import and export, and user needs around metadata standards support in the application (results to be tabulated and analyzed in July)

Priorities for next term

  • Analyze results of metadata standards community survey, and develop priorities for sub-team and recommendations for ArchivesSpace development work based on that analysis

  • Consider EAD support

  • Ongoing monitoring of metadata standards supported by the application

Areas of potential improvement

Leadership for next term

  • Chair: @Diane Biunno

  • Vice Chair: TBD

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