2024-2025 Metadata Standards sub-team Work Plan

2024-2025 Metadata Standards sub-team Work Plan


Use this section to identify your sub-team’s overarching goals for the term. These may be restatements of your sub-team’s charge.

  • Ongoing ticket review and communication with Development Prioritization

  • Ongoing review of import/export mappings and the evolving landscape of pertinent standards

  • Support user communities by responding to tickets and/or soliciting feedback

  • Special projects

Specific Tasks or Projects

Use this section to identify the specific tasks or projects your sub-team intends to work on this year. Consider organizing them into ongoing and discrete tasks, if appropriate.

Ongoing/Recurring Tasks

Continue working with Development Prioritization on tickets relating to metadata standards support – writing user stories, advising on prioritization of metadata tickets, etc.

Action items: Metadata Standards sub-team members will attend DevPri meetings as they are able, when tickets of relevance to the team will be discussed. They will contribute to discussions about the tickets and report back to Metadata Standards as part of monthly meetings.

In-Progress Projects Carried Over from Last Term

Ensure that the MARC importer behaves as expected, according to sub-team guidance and user feedback.
Ongoing monitoring of the MARC exporter.
Look into the EAD 2002 importer; establish whether ArchivesSpace’s reading of EAD 2002 is in line with the specification, and draft tickets for development for any issues we find.
Look into the EAD 2002 exporter; establish whether ArchivesSpace’s reading of EAD2002 is in line with the specification, and draft tickets for development for any issues we find.

New Projects for This Term

  • Analyze results of metadata standards community survey, and develop recommendations for sub-team work based on that analysis.

    • Action items: Metadata Standards sub-team will identify and review outstanding Jira tickets related to the results of the survey and offer feedback/recommendations

  • Advise on metadata imports/exports regarding the Multilingual Description Task Force for description in multiple languages and scripts.

    • Action items: Work with the Multilingual Description Task Force to advise on related JIRA tickets.

  • Monitor the development of EAD 4.0 and develop recommendations for future sub-team work based on that analysis.

Out-of-Scope (Optional)

Identify any work areas of projects that you have determined to be out-of-scope of this year’s workplan. This could be because it falls beyond your sub-team’s charge, has a dependency that requires you to wait, or is beyond your sub-team’s capacity.

  • RiC is out-of-scope for the Metadata Standards sub-team this year. The standard has not been adopted in the US and is being used mostly in Europe.

  • ArchivesSpace has limited support for MARC. The Metadata Standards sub-team should consider this when providing guidance on import/export issues and advising on related Jira tickets, ensuring that their recommendations are feasible within the platform’s capabilities.

Maintenance Activities (Optional)

Use this space to identify any actions or considerations necessary to support the maintenance of your sub-team’s tasks or projects once they have been completed. Is there documentation that needs to be created? Do future sub-team members need particular permissions to complete certain work?

  • Last term, the sub-team developed a documentation finding aid for our testing instruments – code, standards documentation, import & export documentation, etc. This is available on our GitHub page, which points to our file storage on both Atlassian and in our Google Drive. The sub-team will continue maintaining our documents in these spaces.

Themes (Optional)

This section is optional, but a space to identify any underlying themes that run throughout multiple tasks or projects. This can also be a space to identify how you intend to approach your work this term. This can also be helpful when revisiting the workplan at the end of term with an eye towards the sub-team’s retrospective, or at the beginning of next term.

  • Greater engagement with the ArchivesSpace user community

    • Do the activities that Metadata Standards undertakes make sense for the larger community? Can they relate to our work, or is it mainly for the benefit of advanced/high-resourced ArchivesSpace users?

  • Documentation of how ArchivesSpace deals with metadata that it uses or does not use in import/export

  • “Regularizing” our work so that things that are heavy lifts now can become standard ongoing work for future iterations of the Metadata Standards team

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