2024-09-03 Meeting notes
Sep 3, 2024
12-1:30pm ET
@Matt Strauss
@Keli Schmid
@Alexander Duryee
@Christine Di Bella
@Mattie Clear
@Brianna McLaughlin
@Donald Smith
@Bonnie Gordon
@David Krah
@Regine Heberlein
@Elizabeth Peters
@Dalton Alves
@Dustin Stokes
@Thimios Dimopulos
@Jen Cwiok
Prioritize new and awaiting more information tickets.
Kanban boards:
New bug reports: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15
New feature requests: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=16
Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/
Discussion topics
Who | Topic | Notes | Decision |
@Matt Strauss /all | Welcome |
@Matt Strauss /all |
@Alexander Duryee | 1.ANW-1787: OAI MARC export producing invalid records for archival objectsReady for Implementation 2.ANW-1845: Improve agent creation validation checkReady for Implementation |
@Keli Schmid | 1.ANW-1788: Ability to export agent contact detailsReady for Implementation 2.ANW-1912: Additional copy when displaying bulk dates in PUI PDFAwaiting Prioritization |
@Mattie Clear | 1.ANW-1867: Enable Cancel Job button for top_container_linker_jobReady for Implementation 2.ANW-1889: Event record - Corporate entity Record Links bugReady for Implementation
@David Krah | Can’t reproduce - needs API interaction I think, which I am not able to do; but error readout may indicate that ‘agenttype_narrow’ may be misformatted? Could 'agent_type_narrow' work? | Need more information--Donald reaching out to OP to ask if this is still an issue on current release |
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@Regine Heberlein | ANW-1876: Suggestion for config descriptionsReady for Implementation | We discussed this during the meeting and decided to pass it based on the very thorough testing already done by the submitter, Valerie Addonizio. | Pass |
@Elizabeth Peters |
| Confirmed in general but not in specific. May need further clarification. Remaining questions: | Close and refer to user docs subteam |
@Dalton Alves | The user-story of this request makes a lot sense. As requested, this feature would be limited to only top container instances, but it also seems relevant to all linked instances of an accession record (including digital object instances). I'm unsure of the value in terms of prioritization – it depends on how users within the community are using accession records and linked instances. This use-case could probably be fulfilled via the API, but from a practical standpoint it does make sense as an enhancement of the spawning feature. I think this would benefit from additional community feedback to better refine the scope and gauge the development value. | Defer to next meeting--Dalton will draft a rewritten version of this ticket and comment to send for community feedback. |
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@Dustin Stokes | Including enums in this subreport will make it more complex but it does make sense to add them. I’m aware of several large institutions that use enum user defined fields to store data that would make sense to include in reports. A couple of known examples in use are “Curatorial Department” and “Fund name”. | Pass |
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@Bonnie Gordon | ANW-1839: Changes to the bulk importers to improve data entry.Awaiting More Information | In the bulk import template, different types of agents are broken out into different columns. E.g., the column names for the ID field are people_agent_record_id_1, families_agent_record_id_1, and corporate_entities_agent_record_id_1. This ticket is requesting that these different types of agents are collapses, and that the agent type is determined a different way. If this is a small amount of development work it should be passed. | Request more information, specifically for some example scenarios and a mock up of the desired solution. |
@Brianna McLaughlin | I have strong feelings about this one, and I think anyone managing more than one repository would as well. This ticket is self explanatory--the reporter would like to be able to set a default repository. I can confirm that the default repository is whichever repository is first numerically based on repository ID, not the most recently used repository. I don’t think setting one default for all users would be as helpful as the ability to set a default per user whether that’s the sysadmin setting the default or allowing users to set their own default. Recommend passing. | Pass |
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@Matt Strauss |