2025-03-04 Meeting notes

2025-03-04 Meeting notes

Mar 4, 2025

12-1:30pm ET

Zoom link



  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Alexander Duryee -regrets

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Mattie Clear

  • @Brianna McLaughlin

  • @Donald Smith

  • @Bonnie Gordon - regrets

  • @David Krah

  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Elizabeth Peters

  • @Dalton Alves

  • @Dustin Stokes

  • @Thimios Dimopulos

  • @Jen Cwiok


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more information tickets.


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace test server: http://test.archivesspace.org/











@Brianna McLaughlin



  1. Dev Pri members have been added to the board.

  2. Open to participation from other Dev Pri members.


@Elizabeth Peters

  1. ANW-1891: Add resources to an existing event when the resource is openClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-2116: As a data manager, I would love it if the MARC export could correctly sort subject subdivisionsReady for Implementation


  1. Essentially asking for events to function more similarly to agents and linked resources/accessions. I can see how this could be useful, but the current workflow doesn’t appear to be significantly more arduous than an adjusted one. If passed, low priority. If not passed, I would recommend changing the label “Add event” to “Create event” to better indicate the intended function.

  2. Since this is causing validation issues, it seems good to pass. The order is well-defined, so shouldn’t be overly difficult to add to the transformation. It sounds like forcing the order in ASpace instead (i.e. not allowing a form subdivision to be added after a chrono one) would cause issues with legacy data.

  1. Close. Elizabeth will submit new ticket for label change.

  2. Pass


@David Krah

  1. ANW-1892: Titles for eventsClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-1978: Add Collections Management subrecord to Archival ObjectsClosed-Will Not Do

  1. Requested clarification and a use case. update - use case added by user. Titles may be useful to differentiate events with the same record links.

  2. Documentation seems pretty intentional that Coll. Management records should only be at the collection level. Management information for specific objects can be recorded in the collection level note - a processing plan can be entered in text or a link to local document. One an also make use of the “Repository Processing Note” in each object. The assessments module could also be used at the object level to track specific processing needs and priorities. Recommend not passing.

  1. Close

  2. Close


@Mattie Clear

  1. ANW-2150: Agent and Subject sorting using the browse option on Resource/Accession/AO/DO does not workAwaiting Prioritization

  2. ANW-2151: Digital Object Component Label Display InconsistencyAwaiting Prioritization




@Dustin Stokes

  1. ANW-2114: As a systems administrator, I'd like to be able to enforce some kind of password requirementsReady for Implementation

  2. ANW-2205: OAuth AuthenticationAwaiting Prioritization

  1. This change would help bring ArchivesSpace close to being in alignment with industry standards and best practices.

  2. This is a commonly used feature that is currently implemented via a plugin. Bringing it into core code serves the best interest of the community by allowing it to be maintained in step with our releases.

  1. Pass

  2. Dustin will create a new ticket with more accurate scope. This ticket will be closed but linked to the new ticket.


@Regine Heberlein

  1. ANW-2219: Container profile uniqueness contraint on name is surprising and overly restrictiveAwaiting Prioritization

  2. ANW-2090: PUI 'Staff Only' button hidden when using different domains for staff vs. PUI URLsAwaiting Prioritization




@Matt Strauss

  1. ANW-2146: As an archivist, I would like Classifications to have the option to be unpublished or suppressed from the Public InterfaceAwaiting More Information

  2. ANW-2132: minor enhancements to staff PDF - langugage of descrption, lanagauge of materials and TOC links in documentAwaiting Prioritization

1.This could be a useful feature. Currently, the closest way to achieve this would be through user-defined fields and a custom report, though that approach does not support easy browsing. I can see some question about implementing this. For example, do you make a classification unpublished at the classification level, or it at the resource level, or both? Would the decision to publish/unpublish at one level override a contradictory decision at a different level? It could be handy to have user scenarios to define how this would feature would operate.

2.The proposed changes may not be broadly supported by the community and could conflict with accessibility and descriptive best practices. It may be more appropriate for the requester to implement these changes in their own installation of ArchivesSpace. Additionally, “language of materials” is not required below the resource level, so that part of request can be resolved. This could be referred to Usability for further consideration.

  1. Awaiting more information. Matt will ask for use case/user scenario.

  2. Dev Pril will recommend closing, pending contact with Usability to see if they want to consider it.


@Brianna McLaughlin

  1. ANW-2109: After choosing to see linked records to a controlled value term, additional filtering does not workClosed-Duplicate

  2. ANW-2161: Add Finding Aid Filing Title field to Custom Reports when querying resource recordsReady for Implementation

  1. Confirmed bug on test server. It seems like this is only happening with each search facet except for Creator. Removing the filter also reverts the search to all results, not all records using the controlled vocabulary term. Recommend passing.

  2. The Filing Title is the only field in the Finding Aid Data module that is not included in a custom report template. I think it makes sense to include it. Recommend passing.

  1. Closely resembles https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1665 Bri will link these two tickets. This ticket will be closed if it is a duplication of the previous ticket.

  2. Pass


@Dalton Alves

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1958

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-2142

  1. I’m not sure if this is exclusive to reports for Classification records. Unable to create a custom report with digital object linked records for record types like Accession and Archival Object.

  2. Hashing the authority ID seems preferable since these should be unique values, but ID may not always be present/used. Should probably fall back on dates.

1.Pass, expanding ticket to encompass digital object linking in other reports.

  1. Pass



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