ArchivesSpace Technical Advisory Council — February 21st, 2014
Time: 10:30 – 12:00 p.m. PST, 11:30 – 1:00 p.m MST, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. CST, and 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. EST
Roster: http://archivesspace.org/technicaladvisory
Dial-in number: 888-354-0094
Access code: 731627
Moderator: Sibyl Schaefer (chair pro tem)
Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
Roll Call
Subteams ( see assignments below )
Leader Roles, leaders decided by a particular date?
ACTION: Subteams to nominate leads by Friday, February 28th
Documenting work: wiki vs Google Docs vs. other?
DECISION: TAC will use Google Drive to hold working documentation
ACTION: Documentation subteam to come up with a process for publishing working documentation once finished (so that it can more serendipitously be discovered)
ACTION: Mike G. to create a “TAC working docs” folder in Google Drive and share with the TAC https://drive.google.com/?authuser=0#folders/0BxP4fDAaJOdXNUk1aE1Gam5Ldmc
Providing individual emails for subteam members
ACTION: Fitz or Brad to share roster with the TAC
Pivotal tracker (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/386247/overview) / Basecamp / Github tracking
Current use
Expected changes/ways it could be better.
Management of communication streams
Ticket tracking
Mailing list + Google groups
ACTION: Management/workflows still TBD, need additional communication w/UAC and ArchivesSpace
what is available now :
http://docs.archivesspace.org (members only)
http://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace ( readmes and wiki )
Pivotal tracker: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/s/projects/386247
Basecamp writeboards
ideas for managing it better
DECISION: Documentation subteam will come up with a plan for rationalizing where our docs live
ACTION: Fitz to link current documentation to YouTube videos, related blog posts (from M. Triggs), etc.
Next call: March 21 (Friday before Code4Lib)
Code4Lib: how many are attending, when to meet
ACTION: Fitz to send email encouraging TAC members to add their names below if they’re attending Code4Lib 2014 in Raleigh
Name | Tuesday Evening TAC Meeting | Thursday Afternoon Hackfest+meetup |
Esme Cowles | x | |
Mike Giarlo | x | |
Noah Huffman | x | |
Chris Fitzpatrick | x | x |
Sibyl Schaefer | x | |
Nathan Stevens | x | |
Brad W. | X | X |