

We have a conference call slated for next week (4/18). I figured now would be a good time to nudge everyone concerning the goals we outlined for completion during the last call.



- Review the current state of documentation

- Determine which areas of documentation overlap with other subgroups



1. Identify [and categorize?] any outstanding issues with the AT and Archon to ArchivesSpace migration 2. Solicit and identify any enhancements needed for migration 3. Work with documentation subgroup to create/enhance migration documentation.

4. Address migration support (beyond documentation) for members -Reach out to members regarding their migration 5. Question: does migration encompass import and/or export; should we really be the migration, import/export subgroup?



*** This varies a bit from the meeting notes. IIRC, only the first item was to be completed by the next call? Also, wasn¹t the last question answered during the last call?



- Break down architecture review into manageable chunks


Committer Oversight:

- Clarifying how new developers get set up and contribute code


The above is based off a combination of meeting notes and work plans in Google Docs. Please let me know if anything is inaccurate. Will everyone revise their work plan so that they are more finalized and reflect the decisions that have been made? I think that would help greatly in moving forward. 


Also, there was a lot of discussion during the last call about access to different areas - BaseCamp, Confluence, etc. Has there been any progress made on this?



