
Time: 12PM EST

Roster: http://archivesspace.org/technicaladvisory

Dial-in number:  888-354-0094

Access code:  731627


Moderator: Sibyl Schaefer (chair pro tem)

Notetaker: Mike Giarlo


  • Roll Call

  • Program updates (Brad)

    • Number of members growing  to 148, beyond quota

    • 1.09 release, snafu, bottleneck cause for migration due to data model tweaks in the last sprint

    • Fixed by Nathan and Chris.

    • Nathan: no feedback from the new tool for migration yet.

  • New TAC member nominations - clarification of how these new members are to be integrated into current set-up?

    • 6 new members joining, 7 nominations

    • SS: Could we be on one subgroup versus two, is this a possibility

    • BW: We could either sprinkle in to existing groups or reconfigure the groups completely.

    • SS: Is adding all 7 a possibility?

    • BW: Yes, this is possible. 

    • NH: We should have the new nominees indicate what subgroups they would want to work on.

    • SS: Email Sibyl regarding which groups current members want to stay on.

    • Nominations committee is going to be approved on Friday

      • Terry Reese from Ohio State

      • Corey Nimer from BYU

      • Kari Smith from MIT

      • Scott Hanroth U. of Kansas

      • Ed Busch, MSU

      • Rachel Matterick VMI

      • Mark Cooper from Lyrasis (Registered Service Provider)

  • Update on User Group Committee (Brad)

Documentation group

Gap analysis done on documentation, entering info into pivotal tracker


There’s a Pivotal Tracker documentation project--when entering new tickets, tag as technical or user documentation


4 archivesspace pivotal trackers in total





Feature prioritization subgroup

            Adding requests Pivotal tracker


  • Subgroup updates

    • Documentation (Laura)

Identified three different things within the group:

  • reorganizing github wiki

  • reorganizing tech doc links on archivesspace.org

  • looking for documentation gaps as revealed by email-list questions

    • Now having been made aware of it, Sibyl intends to start inserting these into the aforementioned documentation Pivotal Tracker.

  Progress has been made, but Official Proposals aren’t ready just yet.

  • Migration (Michael)


  • no outstanding migration issues, waiting for upticks related from 1.09 release

  • testing format round-tripping Noah (MARCXML) Michael (EAD) Don (EAC, CSV)

  • no timeframe  established yet. problems will get reported upward into Pivotal Tracker migration site.

  • feedback was provided on OAI interface spec



  • Committer Oversight (Esme)


discussed the status of work committed during the course of hackfests or other coding sprints

is this a work for hire?

are attendees always agents of given institutions?

  • Progress made on access to BaseCamp, Confluence?

 Not yet, BW is working on getting the credentials to invite others.

 NS: documentation in BaseCamp is only of historical value, KK agrees

 SS: the basecamp should be archived to export format


  • No call in June, Mid-July, SS will send a doodle poll

  • Subgroup calls should happen between now and then

  • Basecamp should be decommisioned

  • UAC and TAC lists should be combined

Action Items

  • Esmé: Draft a recommendation for how to handle hackfest contributions from developers who don’t have pre-existing CLAs.

  • Send Sibyl subgroup preference

  • Sibyl will send out Doodle poll for next meeting, which will be mid-July

  • Subgroups will arrange their own meetings between now and the next meeting

  • Brad will raise question of process for vetting committer policies;