Co-leader Jason Loeffler is stepping down. He has led the Dev. Pri. subteam since July 2016. Thank you for your leadership and contributions! Best wishes on the road ahead!
Plans for meeting this summer? Meet on a monthly schedule, or just take a break until August/September, once the new UAC and TAC members join?
Getting issue details...STATUSTooltips for PUI - make sure to tailor towards a general audience on the PUI. Suggest a limit of 1 sentence
Jira tickets to discuss
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copy-paste date autopopulates incorrectly - Lora will explore changing out the date-picker - passing with comment
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Issues with smaller screen - ice box that for Cherry Hill "Awaiting More Information" replicate by changing to 800x600 screen resolution
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undated as a drop down
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keyboard navigation - need examples of what pages, were are the keyboard tabbing traps - Awaiting more information
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span tags - pass, ask for Melissa for specific examples, maybe Mark Custer can help
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descriptive alt text