2018-05-10 Meeting notes

2018-05-10 Meeting notes


1pm EST


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/619789499
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Or Telephone:  
   Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
   US: +1 6468769923  or +1 6699006833  or +1 4086380968

Meeting ID: 619 789 499
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=lfJNhr4XU-I8p7oRrXXwebNlh57Ti7kq



Round robin of Jira assignments

Kanban boards: New bug reports: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15

Discussion items

Welcome - any announcements?
  • Co-leader Jason Loeffler is stepping down.  He has led the Dev. Pri. subteam since July 2016.  Thank you for your leadership and contributions!  Best wishes on the road ahead!
  • Plans for meeting this summer?  Meet on a monthly schedule, or just take a break until August/September, once the new UAC and TAC members join?
  • ANW-273 - Getting issue details... STATUS Tooltips for PUI - make sure to tailor towards a general audience on the PUI.  Suggest a limit of 1 sentence

 Jira tickets to discuss 


ANW-170 - Getting issue details... STATUS  copy-paste date autopopulates incorrectly - Lora will explore changing out the date-picker - passing with comment

ANW-157 - Getting issue details... STATUS error transferring between repositories - pass

ANW-158 - Getting issue details... STATUS Issues with smaller screen - ice box that for Cherry Hill "Awaiting More Information" replicate by changing to 800x600 screen resolution

ANW-560 - Getting issue details... STATUS  undated as a drop down

ANW-514 - Getting issue details... STATUS  undated accessions

ANW-706 - Getting issue details... STATUS  keyboard navigation - need examples of what pages, were are the keyboard tabbing traps - Awaiting more information
ANW-705 - Getting issue details... STATUS  span tags - pass, ask for Melissa for specific examples, maybe Mark Custer can help
ANW-704 - Getting issue details... STATUS  descriptive alt text
ANW-703 - Getting issue details... STATUS  spinning wheel feedback
ANW-702 - Getting issue details... STATUS  anchor tags


ANW-173 - Getting issue details... STATUS Ticket on EAD import - closed, done!

ANW-635 - Getting issue details... STATUS  editing ordered lists - critical priority - Awaiting more info and revisit to possibly close it in the future

ANW-285 - Getting issue details... STATUS URI Digital Object - pass, a contractor

ANW-260 - Getting issue details... STATUS highlight and wrap - pass

ANW-269 - Getting issue details... STATUS  HTML tags - pass

ANW-415 - Getting issue details... STATUS  data inheritance for spawning DO

ANW-498 - Getting issue details... STATUS  DO METS export (blocker priority) - awaiting more information, seeking further community input


ANW-382 - Getting issue details... STATUS finding aid language of description in controlled values - awaiting more information

ANW-532 - Getting issue details... STATUS  MARCXML export of resource components

ANW-472 - Getting issue details... STATUS  implementing EAD3

ANW-173 - Getting issue details... STATUS  EAD importer issue

ANW-285 - Getting issue details... STATUS  unpublished file uri appearing in EAD export

ANW-453 - Getting issue details... STATUS  imports parsing of ids

Action items
