2019-01-17 Agenda/Meeting Notes
2019-01-17 Agenda/Meeting Notes
- Work plan progress
- Formalize tech-docs as official documentation repo
- Laney has been updating tech docs repo - https://github.com/archivesspace/tech-docs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed
- Has build page been updated to pull in data from tech-docs?
- Yes - completed for 2.5.2
- Is there documentation in the archivesspace repo that is not in the tech-docs repo?
- Anything else we need to formalize this as the official location of docs? (Laney)
- Decision: version docs and tie them to a release by adding tags to the tech-docs repo. TODO: Trevor Thornton will do this.
- Question: make an announcement to the users group about the change? Answer: yes. TODO: Alicia Detelich will do this.
- Communicate with AS constituencies to solicit input and share work
- Thanks to all who have been contributing to recent listserv discussions
- Linking to documentation in listserv responses - has anyone tried this out?
- Goals for frequency of listserv responses
- Alicia: Hopes to make a couple/few posts per month
- Should the group have a goal?
- Dave: Wants to put something together about the API documentation
- Question: how often do we link to documentation in listserv responses?
- Dave: has in the past, but usually to questions that are about things that can be answered by specific sections of the documentation
- Bobbi: it might be confusing if we link to different places for documentation (GitHub repo, archivesspace.github.io, etc.) until the documentation is automatically updated when an update is made to the tech-docs repo. Might be worth putting some indication on the github.io page that the documentation is coming from someplace else (i.e., the tech-docs repo) and that that repo might have more up-to-date information between releases.
- There is a link at the bottom of the github.io page, but it might be worth moving it someplace more prominent.
- A change will need to be made to the core code code that builds the documentation
- Question from Laney: does it make sense to move the documentation build code to the tech-docs repo?
- Yes it does. Will probably be moved by the next release.
- Proactive solicitation of documentation needs
- Call to listserv to add issues to tech-docs repo, contact Tech Docs members, or reply to listserv post with ideas - AD can send out an email this month
- See Christine's email 1/15 - will that cover it?
- Will be worth it to send out a more specific email about the tech-docs repo.
- See Christine's email 1/15 - will that cover it?
- Agenda item at next solo TAC meeting
- No objections.
- How to reach out to developer constituency
- Where are the best places to reach out to those types of people?
- An ArchivesSpace developer list/registry does not currently exist – would putting out a call for this be a good idea?
- Might need to wait until a new community relations person is hired. Laney can talk to Christine Di Bella in the meantime about the idea.
- An ArchivesSpace developer list/registry does not currently exist – would putting out a call for this be a good idea?
- Where are the best places to reach out to those types of people?
- Call to listserv to add issues to tech-docs repo, contact Tech Docs members, or reply to listserv post with ideas - AD can send out an email this month
- Prioritize changes based on community feedback
- No new issues in tech-docs repo
- Listserv monitoring/doc stubs
- The group will continue to monitor the listserv and create documentation stubs for issues that arise that cannot be answered by the current documentation
- Update API documentation
- Progress - https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/tree/endpoint_docs (Dave M.)
- Ideas re: most problematic endpoints to address
- Next steps
- Dave would like others to take a look at the updated documentation and will give people a tutorial on how to build the docs as needed.
- Alicia will get in touch with Dave about building the docs and will review the updates.
- Dave would like others to take a look at the updated documentation and will give people a tutorial on how to build the docs as needed.
- General
- How do we measure success?
- Formalize tech-docs as official documentation repo
- Description text on sub-team wiki space
- We currently do not say much about our group on the wiki space. Alicia will send out a document with a draft description for us to comment on/add to.
- Questions, concerns, ideas, etc.
- Idea: Reaching out specifically to new members as they are announced about the tech docs
- Other avenues: blog posts, videos about the tech docs