2019-08-14 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting

2019-08-14 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting


Aug 14, 2019 12pm EST/11 CST/10 MT/9 PST

Call info:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/480879807

Or iPhone one-tap :

US: +14086380968,,480879807# or +16468769923,,480879807# Or Telephone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 480 879 807

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp


UAC roster

  • Kate Blalack

  • @Kevin Clair

  • Lori Dedeyan - absent

  • @Terra Gullings (Unlicensed) - absent

  • Adrienne Harling - absent

  • @Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed)

  • @Ashley Knox (UAC Chair)

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @William Modrow (Unlicensed) - absent

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • @Julia Novakovic

  • @Joshua Shaw

  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) (UAC Vice Chair)

  • Althea Topek

  • @Jamie Weeks (Unlicensed) - absent

  • Angela White

  • @John Zarrillo (Unlicensed)

TAC roster

  • @Valerie Addonizio (Unlicensed)

  • @Jared Campbell (regrets for second half of mtg)

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Megan Firestone (Unlicensed) - absent

  • @Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed)

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Maggie Hughes (TAC Chair)

  • Randy Kuehn

  • @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

  • @Julia McGinnis (Unlicensed) - absent

  • @Bria Lynn Parker (Unlicensed)

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Trevor Thornton

  • @Wiedeman, Gregory

ASpace program

  • @Christine Di Bella (Program Manager)

  • @Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) (Technical Lead)

  • @Peter Carini (Unlicensed) (TAC Governance Board Liaison) - here?

  • @Gordon Daines (UAC Governance Board Liaison)

  • @Jessica Crouch (Community Engagement Coordinator)


Notetaker: @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

(Please feel free to edit the notes/attendance list if I missed anything!)


  • Kick-off the new term; welcome and orient new members; prepare for sub-team/working group assignments.

Discussion topics









10 min

Roll call and Introductions


When your name is called, please briefly introduce yourself!

  • Name

  • Title and institution

  • UAC or TAC

  • Tell us about one highlight of your summer

3 min

Introduction to Users Advisory Council

@Ashley Knox , @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

The purpose of the Users Advisory Council includes but is not limited to:

  • In collaboration with the Technical Advisory Council, receive, suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas for software enhancements and priorities.

  • Maintain liaison with national and regional archives communities including SAA, ALA, AAM, AASLH, and other relevant professional groups.

  • Advise the ArchivesSpace Governance Board and the ArchivesSpace Organizational Home on the design and delivery of services, such as community support services, technical support, documentation, training, migration, hosting, etc.

  • Provide ongoing updates to the user documentation.

  • In collaboration with the Technical Advisory Council, conduct user testing of the application prior to releases and conduct ongoing usability studies as needed.

UAC wiki pages

Subteam charges

3 min

Introduction to Technical Advisory Council

@Maggie Hughes

Overview of what we do and how we operate - refer to bylaws info on TAC. We “provide technical guidance and encourage an active community of developers.”

  • Work occurs through cross-councils, sub-teams, encourage and support integrations, providing guidance to users (migrations, integrations, etc), technical documentation, metadata standards, collaboration with UAC on testing.

  • Use TAC meetings to give brief sub-team updates, as a forum for sub-teams to present challenges for group discussion, and also for broader discussion of issues related to ArchivesSpace.

  • Refer to roster of names and email addresses of TAC members, if needed.

  • Wiki space has our meeting notes and sub-teams have space to track notes and working docs. Create a JIRA/wiki account if you haven’t, yet.

Retrospective last two years (2018, 2019). Can see what we thought we did well, what we could have improved on, what we had momentum with.

5 min

Discuss Responsibilities and Expectations

@Maggie Hughes

Please review TAC Responsibilities and Expectations (same for UAC).

This was a new document for TAC last year and is new for UAC this year, please let us know if you have any feedback. Anything that should be added, clarified, or changed - we want to hear about it!

3 min

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

The annual forum went really well! The presentations are currently linked on the wiki and recordings will be added soon. Next release of ArchivesSpace scheduled for the fall.




Subteam reps: please briefly describe the scope and work of your subteam for prospective new members and summarize any highlights from the last joint meeting (end of January)

3 min

Development Prioritization

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

Description: Cross-council subteam working on Jira tickets to route them to developers, put them in “Awaiting for More Info,” or to decline.

Highlight(s): Developed a membership survey to help assess future directions of focused program growth, to be shared soon. Also in collaboration with the program team, we developed and have started routing tickets into a Ready for Community Developer queue.

3 min


@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Description: The Testing subteam is a cross council sub-team. The Testing sub-team was created in January 2016 following a decision to split the former Features Prioritization and Testing team into two separate groups. It includes members of the ArchivesSpace User Advisory and Technical Advisory Councils. Major activities of the sub-team are to test new features and bug fixes in upcoming releases and regression testing to make sure that things that were previously working still are with changes in the application.

Highlight(s): Tested 2.6.0


TAC sub-teams



3 min


@Dallas Pillen

Description: The Integrations subteam supports the ArchivesSpace community by taking a transparent approach to documenting the integration of systems with the ArchivesSpace application.


  • tracking current integrations and communicating their progress;

  • creating resources that assist members of the ArchivesSpace community with their integration work;

  • liaising between those developing integrations, the ArchivesSpace Program Team and the ArchivesSpace community;

  • for specific integrations, determining scope, writing specifications and testing implementations; and

  • actively engaging with ArchivesSpace community members by answering questions and leading discussions on emails, listservs, and other forms of communication

Since the last meeting:

  • Updated the wiki

  • Created a survey with nearly 90 respondents about integrations - drafting up a report.

3 min

Metadata Standards

@Maggie Hughes

Description: The Metadata Standards subteam supports the ArchivesSpace community by taking a transparent and proactive approach to documenting the metadata standards used by the ArchivesSpace application and monitoring the standards landscape.


  • Documenting which metadata standards ASpace adheres to

  • Maintaining ASpace data maps

  • Monitoring archival metadata landscape for changes

  • Monitoring ASpace user group listserv for standards-related issues and help answer questions, note issues, create related Jira tickets, etc

  • Advising other Council sub-teams on matters concerning metadata standards

3 min

Technical Documentation

@Alicia Detelich

Description: The Technical Documentation subteam supports the ArchivesSpace community through the management and enhancement of technical documentation about the application


  • Monitoring tech_docs Github repository for new contributions and issues

  • Seeking feedback from ArchivesSpace users re: documentation gaps and improvements

  • Monitoring ArchivesSpace listserv for questions which can be answered (or not) by existing documentation

  • Creating and enhancing ArchivesSpace technical documentation

3 min

Working groups

@Maggie Hughes , @Megan Firestone (Unlicensed)

TAC has tried out working groups for the past two years as a way to accomplish time-limited or smaller projects. Can involve people from different teams or participants from outside of TAC.

Prior examples:


UAC subteams



3 min

User Documentation

@Kevin Clair

Description: Creates and maintains an array of ArchivesSpace Documentation in the ArchivesSpace Help Center that provides instruction to users at member organizations.

Highlight(s): survey entire documentation to update, survey membership. Looking forward to migrating documentation to Confluence shortly.

3 min

Reports (limited-term Working Group)

@Ashley Knox

Description: Recommends and defines, from a user’s perspective, functional and practical reports that meet the diverse needs of the ArchivesSpace community.

Highlight(s): did an open call for membership to continue improving the reports functionality. Interested in developing a custom reports builder.

3 min


@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

Description: To develop functional and practical recommendations to the program that streamline navigation, clarify the visual layout, identify accessibility improvements, and enhance the ease of use of the existing program for both the staff and public interface of the ArchivesSpace software application.

Highlight(s): Brand new subteam seeking members and leadership. We welcome your ideas and enthusiasm!

3 min

Review next steps

@Ashley Knox

How do we volunteer for teams and groups?

  • Will send out a survey in the next couple of days to get feedback on what teams you’re interested in. Also, please use the form to submit ideas for ad hoc working groups or other questions!

  • Opportunity to express interest in leadership. Responsible for facilitating conversations, maintaining wiki space, team coming up with work plan.

Next meetings: Both Councils will be sending out Doodle polls to schedule monthly or bi-monthly meeting times.

The next time UAC and TAC meet separately, we’ll have come up with plan for teams. Then work moves to sub-teams and sub-team leadership.

5 min

Open mic

@Maggie Hughes

Question about API Working Group Maggie Hughes will add this WG to our survey!

Question about becoming active as an ArchivesSpace developer. Will get in touch with @Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed)

Question about the role of the councils with the Governance Board. The Council chairs will prepare quarterly reports to the Board. The Liaisons are encouraged to sit in on council meetings whenever possible.

Action items

@Maggie Hughes, @Ashley Knox, @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) send out form gauging interest for sub-teams, leadership, and working group ideas.
Everyone: fill out survey form by August 22nd!


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