ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2019

ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2019

ArchivesSpace 5th Annual Member Forum

ArchivesSpace will be holding its fifth annual Member Forum on August 2, 2019 at the Joe C. Thompson Conference Center at ArchivesSpace member institution, University of Texas - Austin.  Just as in previous years, this will be a free opportunity for staff from ArchivesSpace member institutions to meet and share information with each other and the program team about all things ArchivesSpace.

If you have any questions or other suggestions, please feel free to email Jessica Crouch at jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org


Join ArchivesSpace and Archive-It at a joint reception immediately following our member meeting at the AT&T Education and Conference Center, also on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Connecting to WiFi

To Connect to UT Guest Wifi:

  1. Click on your device's Wifi icon.

  2. Click on UTGuest from your list of available WiFi connections.

  3. Select "Connect"

  4. Open your preferred browser and enjoy!

We encourage tweets and chatter using our suggested hashtag: #aspace2019

Photography, Recording, & Livestreaming

Photographs will be taken throughout the forum and may be used for ArchivesSpace outreach and communications. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Recording of sessions in rooms TCC 2.102, 2.120 and 2.122 is generously provided by Atlas Systems.  
These recording will be made available after the annual forum.  

Please note, all activities in room TCC 3.122 and the workshops will not be recorded.


Morning program

Activities occurring in conjunction.


Presentations - Room: TCC 2.102

8:30 am - 9:00 amCheck-in and morning refreshments
9:00 am - 9:05 amWelcome and Code of Conduct / Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace
9:05 am - 9:15 am

Welcome message from Program Team / Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace

9:15 am - 10:30 am


A selection of lightning round presentations from community members, highlighting the work they've done at their individual institutions 

EAD Export Cleanup: Meeting Best Practices for Texas Archival Resources Online
Rebecca Romanchuk (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Presentation Slides - Recording

Supporting Internal Workflows with Plugins at the Bentley Historical Library
Dallas Pillen (University of Michigan)
Implementing ArchivesSpace at the Bodleian Libraries
Matthew Neely (University of Oxford)
Beyond Top Containers: Leveraging ArchivesSpace for Offsite Storage
Weatherly Stephan (New York University Libraries)
Presentation Slides - Recording

Resources: They’re Not Just for Finding Aids Anymore
Anna M. Reznik (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Presentation Slides - Recording

We can do it! Introducing the Community Developers’ Queue
Maggie Hughes (Huntington Library) and Lydia Tang (Michigan State University)
Presentation Slides - Recording

10:45 am - 11:00 amBREAK

Demonstrations - Room: TCC 2.120

Demonstrations - Room TCC 2.122"Birds of a Feather" Moderated Conversations - Room TCC 3.122
11:00 am - 11:25 am

Demonstration A:

Location Calculator - Recording

Presenter: Nancy Enneking, Getty Research Institute

Demonstration B:

Assessments - Recording

Presenter: Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace

Small group discussions facilitated by members of the community.  Topics include:

Resources for small institutions and loan arrangers
Nick Zmijewski, Industrial Archives and Library 

Migrating Data into ArchivesSpace
Caitlin Wells, University of Michigan

Introducing ArchivesSpace to Reference Staff
Leilani Dawson, University of Hawaii-Manoa

Collaboration across sectors: working together to successfully integrate ArchivesSpace with DAMS for a transformative user experience
Miranda Mims, University of Rochester

11:25am-11:35am                                                                   Break
11:35 am - 12:00 pm

Demonstration C:

Human Readable URLS - Recording

Presenter: Laney McGlohon, ArchivesSpace

Plug In Show or Tell - Recording

An opportunity for members to connect and share information about the plug-ins they've developed or use to make their lives easier. 

Featuring plug-in demonstrations from:

Karla Irwin, University of Nevada Las Vegas

Presentation Slides

Rachel Searcy, New York University

Presentation Slides

Joshua Shaw, Dartmouth College

Linda Sellars, NC State University

Presentation Slides

TimeLunch - Room: TCC 2.102
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Lunch is generously sponsored by LYRASIS

Afternoon program

Activities occurring in conjunction.

TimeDiscussion Sessions - Room: TCC 2.120Workshop - Room: TCC 2.122 Workshop - Room: TCC 3.122
1:00 pm -  4:00 pm

ArchivesSpace has made great progress since Archon and Archivist Toolkit announced their intent to merge in Austin 10 years ago.  This series of moderated discussion will explore areas of continued growth for ArchivesSpace. 

Technical and User Documentation Conversation

Presentation Slides - Recording

1:00 pm -1:50 pm

Join members of the technical documentation and user documentation sub-teams to discuss the current documentation for ArchivesSpace and ways to get involved to create, disseminate or use this documentation.  Those creating their own "in-house" user documentation are encouraged to attend and share their experience.  

Kevin Clair, University of Denver
Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace

Community Resources, Engagement and Support

Presentation Slides - Recording

2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

As a community supported software, ArchivesSpace works to create an environment that allows for mutual support. Members support each other and the application through a variety of means.  In this discussion we will highlight resources available to members, created by both the ArchivesSpace team and the community and identify the ways members can become involved in the future of ArchivesSpace. 

Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace

Integrations with ArchivesSpace

Presentation Slides - Recording

3:00 pm - 3:50 pm

As ArchivesSpace is adopted by more and varying institutions across the globe, we are finding the need to integrate with lots of applications.  Join representatives from the integrations sub-team in this discussion, offer advice if you've integrated ArchivesSpace with another tool or to make a suggestion if you're exploring an integration with ArchivesSpace for the future.  

Dallas Pillen, University of Michigan
Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace

Workshop: Intro to the API using ArchivesSnake

Please note: There are 20 seats available for this workshop. You may guarantee your spot through registration. 


  • Greg Wiedeman, University of Albany

Workshop: Controlling Data in ArchivesSpace

Please note: There are 20 seats available for this workshop. You may guarantee your spot through registration.

About this workshop: 

The agenda for the workshop can be found here: 

Workshop Agenda Member Forum.docx

The learning objectives for this workshop includes:

  • Working with agent and subject records
  • Working with controlled values list
  • Setting up default templates and note order
  • Record and manage physical locations and containers within a repository


  • Miloche Kottman, University of Kansas Libraries
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Closing Remarks

Code of Conduct:

This forum adheres to Code4Lib’s CodeofConduct4Lib. We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community and conference experience for everyone. (The full text of the code of conduct is available at: http://bit.ly/coc4lib)

Working group members:

  • Kevin Clair (University of Denver)
  • Miranda Mims (University of Rochester)
  • Anna Reznik (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
  • Rebecca Romanchuk (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
  • Olivia Solis (University of Texas - Austin)
  • Kelly Spring (Unlicensed) (East Carolina University)
  • David Zapeda (University of Texas - Austin)
  • Jessica Crouch (ArchivesSpace)

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