2020-02-07 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting

2020-02-07 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting


Feb 7, 2020 11am-12pm PT / 2-3pm ET

Call info

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/480879807

Or iPhone one-tap :

US: +14086380968,,480879807# or +16468769923,,480879807# Or Telephone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 480 879 807

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp


UAC roster

  • @kate@woodyguthrie.org

  • @Johanna Carll

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  • @Terra Gullings (Unlicensed) - absent

  • @Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed) - regrets

  • @Ashley Knox - regrets

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)(UAC Vice Chair)

  • @Julia Novakovic

  • @Krista Oldham (Unlicensed) - will join late

  • @Joshua Shaw - regrets

  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) (UAC Chair)

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Angela White

  • @John Zarrillo (Unlicensed)

TAC roster

  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Jared Campbell - absent

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed)

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed) - regrets

  • @Sarit Hand - regrets

  • @Maggie Hughes (TAC Chair)

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed) - absent

  • @Bria Lynn Parker (Unlicensed)

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Trevor Thornton (TAC Vice Chair)

  • @Wiedeman, Gregory

ASpace program

  • @Christine Di Bella (Program Manager)

  • @Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) (Technical Lead)

  • @Peter Carini (Unlicensed) (TAC Governance Board Liaison)

  • @Kat Stefko (UAC Governance Board Liaison)

  • @Jessica Crouch (Community Engagement Coordinator)


Notetaker: @John Zarrillo (Unlicensed)


  • Mid-year check in on sub-teams' progress.

  • Discuss wiki and documentation for Councils and sub-teams.

  • Feedback on integrated sub-teams.

Discussion topics









5 min

Roll call

@Maggie Hughes



TAC/UAC updates

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

Quarterly Report for ASpace Governance Board due: March 2.

Will be second joint Quarterly Report for TAC/UAC. See Joint Quarterly Reports.

Council chairs assisted the Nominating Committee in revising their call for nominations - please share!

40 min max (~5 min each)

Sub-team and working group updates


  • Mid-year check in. Look at your work plans and comment on progress:

    • Are things progressing as you thought? Have you accomplished what you thought?

    • Have you encountered any roadblocks? Do your work plan scopes need be re-adjusted?

  • Sub-teams with ongoing work (not really work plans), like Testing and Dev Pri, can comment more generally.


TAC sub-teams

Integrations: @Dallas Pillen

Metadata Standards: @Kevin Schlottmann

Tech Docs: @Alicia Detelich

API Working Group: @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)


  • 2019-2020 Integrations sub-team Work Plan

  • The sub-team is working on a plan to preserve their documentation and interested in hearing what other groups are doing.

  • In response to a question on whether this sub-team should be contacted to discuss new integrations, Dallas explained that they mostly deal with existing integrations, However, they can refer you to other parties that might be helpful.

Metadata Standards

Tech Docs

  • Tech Docs documentation has been moved to GitHub.

  • The sub-team is working on improving documentation, especially build process and developer focused docs (and how to integrate those with existing documentation).

  • User outreach work: potentially put out an open call and survey.

API Working Group

  • Dave provided group training on how to update documentation.

  • A listing of API endp


UAC sub-teams

Usability: @Julia Novakovic

User Docs: @Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed)

Usability We have started to meet every two weeks in order to maintain momentum and focus.  We’ve worked on 7 tickets needing additional Usability investigation - we met with reporters for two of the tickets to continue to suss out and refine ticket requests.  We’ve also pursued topical projects, such as the usability and visual appearance of accessing the ArchivesSpace public and staff interfaces using a mobile device. Christine di Bella recently set up “swim lanes” in JIRA to ensure that Usability and Dev. Pri. don’t overlap when addressing tickets, which seems helpful. We are seeking additional members. If you’d like to join us, please email Lydia at ltang5@msu.edu!

User Docs: User Manual went live on Confluence in December. Users have already provided comments on pages requiring fixes. User Docs sub-team is in the midst of making those revisions, as well as assigned new/revision tasks, once the 2.7.1 release candidate is available. Sub-team is also currently establishing processes for updating the user manual with new documentation and existing documentation and connecting with Testing and Dev Pri during documentation development. Also developing a style guide for the user manual. Once established, the team will begin a review of existing documentation.



Dev Pri: @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

Testing:@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Dev Pri published a summary of the Dev. Pri. survey results in January and also a Leader Guidance document.  We have been exploring alternative approaches to assign tickets, having Edgar and Randy volunteer thus far to assign tickets. We’re seeking community feedback on the following tickets (as in, please comment on this ticket if you would also like these features and provide as much detail as possible on what that should look like and do):

  1. ANW-477: As an Archivist, I would like to sort Components in the Resource tree alphabetically by title without having changes persistClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-336: As a researcher, I should be able to save any record that can be returned as a search result into a bookbagAwaiting More Information

Testing: Testing sub-team tested 19 Jira issues in December/January for the next release

15 min

Discussion on Council and sub-team documentation and using the wiki

@Maggie Hughes

Discuss the purpose of this wiki. When should things be added here? And what are those things?

  • Feel comfortable with adding and updating

  • Sub-teams have ownership

  • Anything of enduring use or value to your sub-team

  • Documenting conclusions!

How have sub-teams been approaching this? Have any sub-teams created new documentation/practices that they can share?

What documentation should be improved?

  • There was discussion regarding using Google Drive as opposed to the wiki for things like sharing data in spreadsheets. Jessica noted that there are add-ons and other other ways to manipulate data in the wiki if needed.

  • It was also suggested that the sub-team leaders be responsible tracking what documentation is stored in Google Drive for the next generation of team members. Daniel noted that transferring ownership of a Google Drive from an institutional Google account to/from a personal Google account can be troublesome.

  • There was discussion regarding utilizing a Google account for all ArchivesSpace council members, although Christine noted we should utilize the wiki whenever possible for consistency.


5 min

Feedback on integrated sub-teams

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

General feedback on integrated sub-teams

  • Should continue?

  • Benefits?

  • Pain points?

  • There was discussion regarding reorganization and possible merger of UAC and TAC due to the fact that so much work overlaps across the two councils. It was noted that such a large group may be to logistical problems. Peter noted that this may require amending the by-laws.

  • Overall the group was satisfied with the existing level of integration.

2 min

Open mic




Next time


Next TAC meeting: April 21 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET

Next UAC meeting: Monday, March 23rd, 12 ET/11 CT/10 MT/9 PT

Action items


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