Member Engagement 2023-2024 Retrospective

Member Engagement 2023-2024 Retrospective

  • Accomplishments from this term

    • Completed Member Match Program

      • Held three quarterly events:

        • 1 Tips and Tricks

        • Collaborated with the Development Prioritization sub-team on an event where Matthew Neely provided a great presentation which facilitated lots of discussion and engagement with the more technical side of ArchivesSpace

        • Held a session reflecting on this year’s program where participants offered great suggestions for improvement, including:

          • Instituting a slack channel as an informal discussion board

          • Providing matches with discussion topics to inspire their meetings

          • Vary the date and time of events to allow for increased attendance from participants who have not been able to attend due to conflicts

      • Instituted first Friday informal events, a monthly open discussion event where any participants could come to talk with the program team about anything, ASpace related or not

      • Used the listserv to provide updates about the Member Match program to participants

      • Solicited feedback from program participants via the half-year survey and end of year feedback form

    • Launched Member Match 2024-2025

      • Included preferences for 2-person of 3-person matches to better reflect the desires of participants

    • Participated in reviewing the ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct

      • Mary and Regina met with Annie Benefiel to discuss how to reevaluate the Code of Conduct

      • Welcomed a community volunteer

      • Hired the Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement to lead our discussions on reevaluating and updating the language in the ASpace Code of Conduct

  • Challenges from this term

    • Retention challenges as a new member resigned as well as someone resigning just a month before the end of the term

    • Getting more Member Match participants to engage with our programming offerings, we had a small number of regular attendees but we struggled to connect with the more laid back participants

  • Priorities for next term

    • Create documentation on the Lead and sub-team responsibilities to keep confusion down and participation up

    • Continue Member Match program

      • Implement a slack channel (or similar board) for informal discussion

      • Create a series of discussion topics to provide to participants

      • Vary the times and dates of Member Match events to increase attendance

      • Increase participant engagement in our programming opportunities

      • Collaborate with at least one UAC sub-team on a quarterly event, possibly a new sub-team

    • Complete the review of the ASpace Code of Conduct

  • Leadership assignments for next term

    • William Clements resigned from the sub-team

    • Regina Carra resigned just one month before finishing her term on UAC

    • Jaime will serve as lead

    • TBD vice-lead