Sub-Team Lead and Vice-Lead Responsibilities

Sub-Team Lead and Vice-Lead Responsibilities

Workload: The workload of the Lead and Vice Lead can vary depending on the needs of the sub-team and the ArchivesSpace member community. There may be an increase time commitment in the early months of each fiscal year to orient new sub-team members and develop the sub-team’s priorities and work plan for the year.

Responsibilities: The Member Engagement Sub-Team Lead and Vice Lead have the primary responsibility for coordinating the work of the Member Engagement Sub-Team. This includes:

  • Leading and facilitating sub-team meetings

  • Welcoming and orienting new members of the sub-team

  • Providing training on tools and processes that the sub-team uses

  • Establishing and maintaining sustainable work processes and project plans

  • Maintaining documentation on the sub-team’s section on Confluence

  • Contributing sub-team report to the TAC/UAC quarterly and annual reports

  • Providing sub-team report-out at regular UAC meetings